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Fianna Fail (7) Churches Position (Church given special position in…
Fianna Fail
7) Churches Position
Church given special position in Constitution (Article 44)
recognized as faith of majority of the people
removed in 1973
Article 41 forbade divorce
removed in 1996
said a woman's job is 'within the home'
Fr John McQuad drafted a Catholic version of the Constitution
refused by DeV
(could include effects of Eucharistic Congress)
1) Intro
collapse of the Boundary Commission in 1925
work in DeV's favour
DeV leaving Sinn Fein
set up Fianna Fail in 1926
assassination of O'Higgins 1927
Electoral Amendment Bill
elected TD's had to take their seats
Public Safety Bill
organisations eg IRA were illegeal
Constitutional Amendment Bill
removed the use of a referendum
worked against DeV
2) Background
FF set up in 1926
23rd of June
O'Kelly (spoke on behalf of FF) refused to take oath of Allegiance
Constitution stated 75,000 signatures were required to take out Oath (Article 48)
Constitutional Amendment Bill worked against DeV
3) FF enter the Dail
DeV had to take Oath
took only to save his party
refused in 1922 to prevent Civil War
1932 Election
used dismantling the treat + land annuities
FF won with the support of the Labour Party otherwise CNG would have won
5) Bunreacht na hEireann 1937
King Edward VIII quit
caused controversy over marriage with a divorced woman
DeV used this to introduce...
Constitutional Amendment Act 1936
External Relations Act 136
meant Ireland was only associated with the Common Wealth (eg. DeV's ideas of External Association)
Published 1st of May 1937
approved by Dail (14 June)
passed referendum (1st July)
came into effect on 29th Dec. 1937
680,000 to 520,000
6) Blue Shirts+IRA
Blue shirts
Fascist, Anti Republican/anti IRA
had to have Irish parents+be Christian
O'Duffy (former garda comm.) was figurehead
T.F O'Higgins (brother of assassinated O'Higgins) was president of group
wore blue shirt, black beret
March planned 10th July 1933
remember deaths of O'Higgins, Griffith+Collins
echoes the March on Rome 1922
O'Duffy called it off as asked to by Gov.
Russell (IRA leader) demanded declaration of repub. in 5 years
in return would lose weapons
impossible to do (against treaty+would be retaliation)
Established the Republic
nuetrality distanced IRE from UK
shows how DeV would do anything to improve his status
Eucharistic congress, taking the Oath
4) Eucharistic Congress
(short para on this)
8) Irelands Role in WW2
(take para from Belfast Blitz)