IB HL Math IA Topics
Other functions
Music And Trig~ exploration of the applications of trig functions in the world of music
Mathematics in art~expolring the role of math in art and the underlying order of aesthetic
Traffic ~I-85 Bridge collapse, how it affected traffic brigde collapse site
traffic data to anylyse flow rate and form expiremental distridution Data
examine the effects of the bridge collapse on traffic along several routs including surface streets and the route my mother uses to reture home from work Alternative routes
Math to use
personal engagement: traffic is part of my life, I live in atlanta, the traffic has affected my family's ability to get home
Chi squared goodness of fit test-check if data is truly random chi squared
Poisson distribution
Finding the Inscribed shape and position that covers the most area in a scalene non-right triangle
Polar Functions polar
Spherical coordinates Link
Personal interest
Area of functions Link
I think Polar functions are very interesting and based on a new realm of coordinate associations
they look really interesting and i would like to learn more
Damped trigonometric functions Functions
The use of these functions in the music industry in electronic music and music recording Link
Trig functions to express waves
Sound proofing technology
Harmonic Analysis of music link
Trigonometric functions
trig damping Link
personal interest
I love music and am interested in how I can better understand it through mathematics
Exploration of polar functions
In 3D
I should be able to reflect about my approach and the validity of my findings as well as the math I choose to use. I could also examine the validity of different approaches and their ease
Adaptation of a problem presented to me years ago that I have wondered about the solution too
Triangle geometry Link
inscribed circles
Squares in a triangle Link
coordinate approach Link
Geometric approach
trig Approach
Architecture Link Title
Personal interest
I really like the architecture of antoni gaudi who made extensive use of geometry in his work
I have liked art for many years however I thought it somewhat random for many years and so I am interested in exploring the underlying and hidden order
possible expressing of planetary orbits
Geometry and Symmetry Link Title
use of math in building design Link
Visual Arts
The golden ratio
Geometry and symmetry
Work by Antoni Gaudi
I can reflect on the validity of geometric
analysis of art and the importance of order in human endeavors
I could reflect on the validity of my analysis and the applicability of the investigation to oh the situations. The transferability could be examined as to the use in other fields.