


Food and drink

She is 16 weeks old

She was found on someones door step

She has a brother and a sister

We adopted her on Sunday the 21st of April

We got her from Martelsham RSPCA

She has a brother

She has a sister

At home

She eats 3 meals a day

She has 18g of food

She eats turkey flavour nuggets

She drinks a lot of water

She stayed in the kitchen for 2 days

On Teusday she went around the house

She loves hiding behind our sofa

Very cheeky

Loves to climb up onto the window sill

looks out of our blinds alot

Climbs in the sink, on the microwave and in the toaster

She is quite timid but is very brave

Oreo now knows when to come for her meals because we shake the bag her foods in. Wednesday morning I shook the bag and she came into the kitchen. Then she started to meow and meow because I was taking too long weighing it for her liking.

She is black and white

She is the most beautiful cat I have seen because she has white splodges of white on her black face and a white tip to her tail.She does not scratch or bite but when she does not want to be picked up she will run around. The other night we were trying to pick her up and she was running but then she just paused and almost said to us you can pick me up.Also if she is a bit scared when you are holding her she will back away.

The RSPCA take in animals that people cant look after, that where found, that are injured and they treat them if they are ill. They try to re home them and give them a good life, even if they do not get re homed.

Oreo is a very funny and a cute cat. She is very naughty and quite scared but in the evening can be as cuddly as anything.She is very friendly but doesn't like a lot of people around her. She has a VERY loud meow and if we have had to go out and she is in the kitchen with the door shut she can hear us.This morning, its Friday, she put her arm under the door and she was meowing SOOOOOOOOOO much because she can hear us.

At night time she always wants more strokes so she meows when we leave her for the night.