as91302 - Sustainable Food Practices




Food Miles

Rubbish in ChCh

Yellow - recycling

Green - organics

Red - rubbish

Food scraps @ school to pigs & worm farms

Farmers Market

Water rates in Auckland

rain Water collection

vegetable garden

growing own vegetables

community gardens

New Brighton Community Garden

On average 78.5 per cent of the water that enters the home goes down the drain via showers, baths, washing machines, dishwashers, toilets

water vegetable garden

Money saves in local community

Kate Valley

health benefits

preserving excess fruit from trees e.g stew peaches, freeze & then have fruit in freezer for breakfast until June

food out of season e.g. strawberries in May

variety - foods not commonly available at supermarket

allotments in UK developed in WW2 when shortage of food

teaching children where food comes from

have classes

lost the link about where food comes from

chemicals / pesticides used


feeding 7+ billion people

grow own vegetable

in food available could decrease amount of takeaways eaten

1 punnet (6 plants) of cabbage plants $3.50 - Countdown Online (17 May 2018) cabbage $4.99

planting at regular times so had a constant supply of veges ready for harvest e.g. plant punnet of lettuces every 2-3 weeks so have a regular supply

school gardening supplying veges for 1-2 families that were struggling finacially

some restaurants & cafes have agreements with farmers to collect food scraps

provide knowledge on how and when to plan various vegetables

e.g don't plant tomatoes outside until Labour Weekend due to the risk of frosts

tomato relish

raspberry jam

water restrictions in droughts

chlorination of drinking water in ChCh

farmers market

talk to the grower

'locals' catch up with each other & friends

social well-being

you are the generation that is now 1 generation away from direct link with farming in NZ

mental & physical wellbeing

What is a Man?

health benefits - low in fat, salt & sugar

rubbish gives off methane gas