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CHALLENGES FOR THE PLANET (key words (sustainable development (improving…
How has the world's climate changed since the last ice age?
Exam tip in revision book - so learn the points from the graph and be prepared to answer question without the graph provided
study the graph from revision book. spot trends, patterns, anomalies. (GCSEA*) (use the word fluctuated/fluctuations)
why has the world's climate changed since the last ice age?
external factors
solar output
solar energy
it is predicted that a 1% increase in the solar output can cause a temperature rise between 0.5 and 1degree celsius.
on the sun's surface have an effect on solar output. there was reduced sunspots activity between 1645 and 1715, which is thought to be the cause of the little ice age.
orbital geometry
cold periods have occurred when the earth's orbit is circular and warmer periods have occurred when it is elliptical
the greater the angle of the tilt, hotter the summers are and the colder the winters are.
when the angle is greater, the earth usually experiences warmer periods
the tilt varies from 21.5degree and 24.5.
internal factors
volcanic activity
release large amounts of sulphur dioxide and ash
act as a clock and reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth
1815 - Mount Tambora - the following year it was unusally old with heavy snowfalls
change in atmospheric gases
CO2 is one of the most important gases to be responsible to the greenhouse effect
the greenhouse effect keeps heat from the earth by absorbing long wave radiation
without the effect, the average global temperature would be -18 instead of 15degree celsius
tectonic activity
movement of continents caused by plate tectonics affects the global pattern of atmospheric and ocean circulation
changing shape of the earth's surface causes winds and ocean currents to chance
surface reflection
the snow and ice, during cooler periods, on the surface of the earth reflect the sunlight back into space making it cooler
the more the ice, the cooler it gets - feedback loop
the causes of current climate change on a local and global scale
fossil fuels - carbon dioxide
increase in burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas to produce energy
China - 75% of energy is produced from coal
increase in global car ownership
20% of CO2 produced is from vehicles such as cars and airplanes
how does it cause an increase in climate change
traps heat within the earth's atmosphere
20% of the greenhouse gas
where does it come from
the growing of rice
landfills which contain rotting vegetable matter
wetlands including marches and swamps
burning vegetation
bowels of animals
why are the levels of methane increasing
increase in the mining of fossil fuels
rising temperature
increase in bacteria emissions from wetlands
growing population in rice producing countries
increase in rice production
increase in western-style diets
increase in the number of cattle for meat
negative effects of climate change on a global scale
changing pattern of crop yields
countries closest to the quieter are likely to suffer the most as their crop yields will decrease
India - 50% decrease in the amount of land available to grow wheat due to hotter and drier weather
Kenya - droughts happen 3 years instead of 10 years. n 2006 - suffered the worst drought - many farmers lost all their cattle
rising sea levels
if the sea levels continue to rise, many areas of land will be flooded and some marine environments will be endangered
Tuvalu - evacuated population to New Zealand - 75 people moving each year - due to rising sea levels
Great Barrier Reef, Australia - will be dead within 30 years due to rising sea temperatures according to a report
retreating glaciers
Antarctica - 90% glaciers melting/retreating
Glacier National Park, Montana, USA - 150 glaciers reduced 30. predicted that within 30 years, all of them would dissapear
key words
greenhouse effect
natural process where heat from the earth's surface is reabsorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere keeping the planet warm enough for life
enhanced greenhouse effect
impact of people
the greenhouse effect by adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, e.g. burning fossil fuels, deforestation
global warming
increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, often seen as a consequence of the enhanced greenhouse effect
climate is the average weather over 35years (taken from monthly average temperature and rainfall)
sustainable development
improving people's lives whilst preserving environment and natural resources on which we and future generations depend upon
development which meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
climate change
change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events (for e.g. greater or fewer extreme weather conditions)
responses to climate change
Earth Summit, Rio de Janeiro - meeting organised by Un resulted in 1st international treaty which aimed to stabilise greenhouse gas emissions
Bali conference - representatives of over 180 countries present resulting in the Bali Roadmap in which initiatives were agreed to try to each a secure future climate
Kyoto conference -181 countries signed the Kyoto Protocol to agree on the following:
greenhouse gas emissions to be cut by 5.2%
each country agreed to a national limit on emissions
8% EU
7% USA
0% Russia
6% Japan
tp chief targets, countries can cut their emissions or trade with other countries in carbon. so, a country can buy carbon credits from another country
'Live simply' is a campaign providing a number of resources to schools which made students think about their impact on their world and sustainability
schools are introducing energy efficient water and central heating system run from renewable sources such as wind turbines or solar panels. they also have notices to switch off lights
local councils
UK gov.t gave local councils 4m pounds to help them to develop ideas which will cut carbon emissions
Working Borough Council has used the money to provide power to some of its public buildings
local interest groups
'Manchester is my planet' runs a 'pledge campaign' to encourage individuals to reduce their carbon footprint. one initiative is 'Green Badge Parking Permit' which allows people who own cars with low carbon emissions to buy an annual parking permit for NCP parks within Great Manchester at a 25% discount.
attitudes to climate change