Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Victor Frankenstein friends

Henry Clerval

The Creation

Elizabeth married






Walton is a sailor that is writing letters to Margaret, his sister, about his journey sailing. He starts north of London and is moving towards Russia through the North Sea. Uneducated and only read voyage books. Now he is studying math and science at night. This is what opens the book. He finds Victor and nurses him back to health while hearing his story.

William is Victor's younger brother. He is murdered which causes Victor to return from University to Geneva. Victor sees his creation near where William was murdered and is afraid his creation is what killed him.

Justine is a girl that lives in the Frankenstein household. She is accused of William's murder because of a picture found in her pocket. She confesses to the murder, hoping to get a short sentence, but is executed.

Waldman is a professor at the University Ingolstadt that Victor attends. He teaches natural philosophy. Waldman tells Victor to stop studying the alchemists and to look into natural philosophy instead.


Professor Krempe teaches a chemistry lecture to Victor which makes him interested in chemistry. This is another person who steers Victor away from the Alchemists and more towards sciences that lead to the creation of the monster.

Elizabeth is adopted as an orphan from Italy by Caroline. She and Victor grow up together from the time Victor is about 5 years old. Caroline wants Victor and Elizabeth to marry which is one of her final requests before she dies of scarlet fever. Elizabeth writes Victor while he is ill and tell him she is concerned and wants him to come home.

Henry is a childhood friend of Victor and Elizabeth. He encounters Victor again the night he makes the creation. He also helps to get Victor back to health when he gets sick whenever he is reminded of the creation. He encourages Victor to get back to Ingolstadt.Henry travels to Scotland with Victor and helps him to become in higher spirits after Victor encounters the creation yet again and discovers William was murdered. This quickly goes down hill once Victor leaves for solitude. He ends up at an island and discovers Henry murdered by the creation and goes to jail wrongly for it.

Victor's father that writes to him while he is in university. He is extremely in love with Caroline and Victor talks about how he is extremely devoted. Alphonse writes to Victor saying that William has been murdered causing Victor to go home after 6 years.


Walton thinks the captain is a great guy that runs the ship well. He is gentle and had strong discipline. Walton writes about how he loved a Russian woman but when he found she had a lover stopped pursuing her to show his good character.

The main narrator of the story, we follow Victor's story from a very happy childhood with his mother Carolien, father Alphonse, cousin and soon to be wife Elizabeth, and best friend Henry, in geneva. Victor is extremely smart and driven in his studies and interested in philosophy. He goes to University in Ingolstadt where eh studies natural philosophy. he also t=says he discovers that the meaning of life is learned through death. he creates the Creation one night and is terrified by him. he becomes afraid of chemistry instruments and becomes sick. He flees Geneva for 6 years during all this.

We first meet the creation in chapter 5. He stares at Victor and reaches his hand out while mumbling. We next see the creation at the sight of William's murder. Victor thinks that his creation is responsible for the murder of his youngest brother.

The next time we see the creation he is telling us about his life leading up to seeing Victor again in the mountains. He tells us about Felix, Agatha. Safie, and old man De Lacey. He also speaks of when he was shot saving a little girl. We see the good in the creation here, even thought he does admit to killing William. He begs Victor to make him a woman companion.

The Creation follows Victor to solitude in Scotland and realizes he is refusing to make hi m a female companion. He murders Henry in return. He also swears he will be there on Victor's wedding night. He kills Elizabeth .

Alphonse visits Victor in prison and gets him freed. He tries to get Victor back to high spirits but it unsuccessful. He dies from grief of Elizabeth being murdered

Victor agrees to marry Elizabeth when he returns home from Scotland and when he returns they do plan their wedding. He tells her he has a secret he can not share until they are married. The m creation kills Elizabeth on their wedding night at a family cottage.

Felix Agatha De Lacey

These three characters the creation watches through an animal cage in their house. He teaches himself French from them teaching Felix's lover Safie. The creation becomes extremely attached to this family even though they do not know he exists. One day he is talking to old man De Lacey, who is blind and does not know the creation is hideous, and Felix and Agatha return home and beat him. He runs away and is extremely mad at humanity.

Victor runs into Henry Clerval, his childhood friend at University. They become close again. Victor then hears his brother William has been murdered. Victor discovers it was by the creation and that a young girl Justine is being wrongly accused of the murders. He then goes on a walk far away where he finds the creation again. The creation tells him his story and begs him to make him a female companion.

After this, Victor runs away to Scotland with Henry, telling his father he will marry Elizabeth when he returns. Victor separates himself from Henry and realizes he does not want to create another monster. The creation finds out about this and gets mad at Victor and ends up killing Henry and threatens Victor about his wedding day.Henry travels to a town where he finds henry dead and ends up in Jail for his murder.

Victor is freed from jail by Mr. Kirwin who believes that he did not kill Henry. He receives letters from Elizabeth and decides to return home. When home, they begin to plan their wedding. On their wedding night the creation murders Elizabeth. Days later Alphonse dies in Victor's arms of grief. He vows to destroy the creation is follows him for the rest of the book.