Personal Learning Network by Kyle Stengel


Jeffrey Cohen - Union graduate currently in software design industry

Doug Rosa - Union College student who previously worked on my senior project

Nishad Gothoskar - Friend who is in the computer science industry

Leaders In Industry

Tim Cook - Apple CEO

Sergey Brin - Google CEO

Larry Ellison - Co Founder of Oracle

Socially active members of industry

Pablos Holman - apart of Intellectual Ventures, gives talks on upcoming technology

Neil Gershenfeld - director of MIT's bits and atoms

Nick Bostrom - Philosopher from Oxford University

Dr Jordan Nguyen -biomedical engineer and inventor


Leaders in Technology Teaching

Dinesh Bharadia - Electrical Engineering Innovator located at Stanford University

Linus Torvalds - Linux inventor, gives talks on Linux

Jiawei Gu - MIT professor of technology

Karen Bartleson - IEEE president

Boaz Barak - computer science professor at Harvard

Gregory D Hager - computer science professor at John Hopkins

Websites of great use - Science articles and blogs - nanotechnology articles

Shih-Fu Chang - Columbia University EE professor