'Permanent presidential rule w. promise of some version of parliamentary democracy' > situation of political leaders of first newly independent states particularly insecure once > faced w. efforts to influence and in some cases, invade them, a. fiercely fratricidal struggles betw. contending politicians and contending economic, social a. other groups within (Ayoob, 1995, Bayart, 2009)
'Demonstration effect' led several leaders, particularly in Algeria a. Tunisia, to decide to remove existing constituional limit of two presidential terms
'Much depends on definitons used to describe Uprisings themselves' > 'popular revolutions' > 'revolutionary situation, created out of variety of discontents, of which economic - unemployment, poverty, inflation represent only small part' > for Camus 'revolutions = primarily political and ideological events' (1962)
'Moment when mass o. people dare to express true geelings of discontent as become suddenly aware that huge number of country fellow man feel same way' (Kuran, 1989) > sharing/recruiting function of social media
Unpreparedness of authoritarian leaders >> notion of 'mirror effect' > leaders see what want to see over time