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Our Case Study Videos :star: (Themes (communicating with others (from…
Our Case Study Videos :star:
Rachel Erbe
Studied Dr. Ndunda
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My Video
I wanted to learn how culture and language affect a teachers pedagogy . I plan to teach aboard one day ; I wanted learn from Ndunda's personal experience of teaching in a culture different than her native .
After interviewing Ndunda, I learned that gender actually affected her career more her culture. However pragmatics between teachers and students is drastically different in the states.
Hope Pond
I studied the Citadel cadets
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Earned respect
Hardwork pays off
Army contracts
I wanted to learn about what the culture is like on the Citadel campus and how it is instilled in the cadets. I also wanted to learn how it was different from a normal, non-military school like College of Charleston.
Cultural Identity
communicating with others
from different languages
Curiosity of different environment
how childhood culture effects current language and culture.
connecting with people and society
how moving from a different country/culture to an new can effect one's identity
how moving can effect one's language development and cultural identity
Megan Plumb
Raw Data
I studied my boyfriend in his family, immigrant transition from the Philippines to the US.
I wanted to learn how how having a culture that is different than others affect the way you experience the place you live, and how culture is passed down through generations.
Reggie Kern
I studied a group of U.S. Marines
I wanted to learn how their culture changed how the communicate with others and how their gender views were instilled as a child.
I learned that the Marines I interviewed were all told that they had to be strong leaders as a child because they were male and this influenced them to become a Marine. Marines brainwash you into thinking that they are and America is the greatest and all other countries and cultures are secondary. I believe this has an effect of how they communicate (or the lack thereof )with other languages.
As you can see in my research video none of them even try learning some of the language of other cultures to try and communicate, most just expected the natives to understand english and hand gestures which I would assume is very degrading to the natives . I think if they tried to learn and communicate using the native language America as a while would be precieved better.
Also as future teachers we should not limit the characteristics of being strong and a leader to only our male student. The gender bias can change stating with us. We must adopt a language that empower all our students, not just the boys.
Raw data google drive folder
Michelle Morocco
What I wanted to learn
Data I collected
I studied my best friends mom, Diana Stewart. She is half Filipino and half African American. She never met her biological dad, but her stepdad was the father figure she needed. She Married Al Stewart who is Caucasian and so their children are a quarter black, Filipino, and white.
My Video
Who I studied
Data I collected
I interviewed Diana in person 3 times. I also went shopping with their family for food at the Asian market for a dinner they were going to prepare. I also did a first hand experience by cooking a dinner with their family and got to see first hand how they created one of their favorite dishes. I also talked with Diana about the photographs that I wanted to get from her, I understood that she didn't have many baby photos because that is a luxury for people to have in the Philippians. Diana and her family didn't have the means to have a camera or pay for photographs so she only have a few that survived the move over to America.
What did I learn
I learned how someone from a multicultural background to a new country effect their learning, language, literacy, physical, and development in their childhood through adulthood.
Raw Data: I collected is in the google drive, here is the
I wanted to learn how moving from another country to another new country, and being from a multicultural background, effect how one views oneself in society.
Gigi Garcia