Leader's have remarkable influence over subordinates who internalize the leader's vision of what can be achieved (Bass, 1985) through a shared sense of purpose or mission (Bass & Avolio, 1997). Visions are effective if they are communicated with enthusiasm and confidence and are perceived to be feasible. Visions provide an appreciation of the possibilities that the future might offer to followers (Conger & Kanungo, 1998; Shamir, Arthur, & House, 1994). Gardner & Avolio (1998) explored how leaders use stories to help articulate an organizational vision and align followers' aspirations. In providing an idealized vision, stories can make followers' work more meaningful and provide them with a deeper sense of purpose (Gardner & Avolio, 1998) and appeal to their desire to contribute to the collective good (Bass, 1985; Shamir, 1995). Boal & Schultz (2007) describe how strategic leaders shape interaction and construct shared meaning through storytelling.