Learning about the past influences our actions

Mesopotamian Inventions

The Wheel

Hammurabbis code

This code is one of the things that started law

The wheel is still useful today in cars bikes and skateboards

The reason why the week was so important is because it was used for building things and for transporting people from place to place

The chariot

The chariot was used for battle back in the day

Now the chariot is used for transportation mostly

Hammurabis code was "An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth," This means that if you do something bad to someone the same will happen to you.


The Plow

The sumerians made the plow and it is one of the most important inventions of all time

The plow made it so that you did not have to have hundreds of people out on the field at once

The reason why this was so important is because it made it so that everyone didn't have to farm and people were able to do other things like building

Time Keeping

The babylonians created what some people may say is one of the most important things ever

In 605–562 B.C. Chaldean Nebuchadnezzar II ruled babylonia

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In his time he created the 60 minute hour and the 12 month year

It is said that he rebuilt Babylon into the worlds greatest city

He also created advanced multiplication while he was king

He created some of the most important inventions of all time and our world would be very different without them today

The reason why it was so important in ancient Mesopotamia is because it was a very powerful war weapon that easily took down people around it

It helped them get the edge on other civilizations and is what made them such great fighters

Without Hammurabis code our day to day life would be very different and the laws that protect us today might not be here

The invention of the wheel was a huge step in evolution


Many african countries are on the verge of famine

South Sudan

Sudan has had much trouble getting food

The reason for this is there is a very large ethnic conflict between two tribes,

The conflict is between the nuer and dinka tribes

This conflict has been going on since 2013

These groups are prohibiting them from people getting food because of constant wars and destruction of crops

"More people are dying from bullets than hunger"

The reason for this is that people who try togo out and get food sadly get caught in the middle of a war ground and are hit by flying bullets

Also these groups and the government have made it very difficult for aid workers to get into the country and help the civilians


Since 2015 Yemen has been in a civli war

This war has killed more than 10,000 people and has decimated Yemen's Economy

Yemen was already in bas shape before the war but not its currency industry, transport infrastructure and public services have all been destroyed

The price of food has shot through the roof

The reason for this is because 90% of Yemen's food is exported and since the civil war is so serious they are not able to give food drops to the people of Yemen.

The holocaust

The halocaust changed out society today very much


The holocaust was one of the sadest things to ever happen in history

We learned many things from this though

One of the things that stuck out to me was how they said "NEVER AGAIN"

This taught us to never do anythings like this again and how to stop it.


During the holocaust the jews and "imperfect people" were taken to concentration camps so they would either work or die

There were many different camps but the one that stuck out to me was treblinka

Treblinka was a death camp and over 800,00 people were killed within 13 months.

Out of all of the people at treblinka only 25 survived

They survived by escaping.

Treblinka was such a bad place that when they lost the war the germans decided to burn it to the ground so that there would be no evidence