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Life With Herpes Avatar (Living With Herpes {Amanda} (Extra…
Life With Herpes Avatar
Living With Herpes {Amanda}
Physical Description
38 Years Old
Brown Hair
Size 8 shoe
Size 6
Bachelors Degree in Communications
University of San Francisco
Played on the Volleyball team
Always got good grades
Had a steady boyfriend in college but they broke up after graduation
Has a dog
Plays volleyball on an adult league
Wants to have a baby so she is busy researching and preparing her body
Hikes on Sunday's with her husband
Teaches 3rd Grade
Makes $65,000 Annual Income
Might go back to school to get her masters so she can earn more money
Leaves for work at 7:30
School stars at 9:00
Communte Time is 43 Min each way
Has 90 min during her day to her self for prep or lunch
Leaves school at 4:30 and is home by 5:30
Her husband makes breakfast for her daily
She brings a homemade lunch to school, usually leftovers . Never eats the cafeteria food
She Cooks dinner from BlueApron
3 days a week she takes a yoga class
Other days she walks the dog when she gets home from work
Family Life
Married for 5 years
Wants to have a baby
Home owners
Family income $250,000
Happily Married
Husband is supports her needs and wants
Has a best friend from collage who she confides in
Has a couple of work friends but keeps her personal life to herself
Has a handful of girlfriends who she sees from time to time for happy hour or yoga
Her best friend is her husband
Extra Characteristics
was raised to wait until marriage to have sex
Gets outbreaks when: she is stressed, run down,when she travels
Also, she feels she is most run down around her period so she usually gets an outbreak during her period
Takes Vaclocyclovier daily
Gets 4-5 outbreaks a year if she does not take the RX
Husband has herpes but only gets outbreaks 1 time a year
She gave herpes to her husband
she feels guilty for passing it to him but he does not care
goes into a deep depression of feeling guilty, shameful, and angry when she has outbreaks
Not the type of person who tells everyone what she is going through, she is a pretty private person
Wants to learn how to get off RX because she has been on it for 4 years
because she wants to have a baby and does not want to take the RX
has 2 glasses of wine a night
takes a multi vitamin
Eats a well balanced healthy diet
Does low to moderate exercise
Volley Ball
Walking the dog
Sleeps 8 hours a night
She is seasoned in her job so it is not too stressful
Was not sexually promiscuous and had long term partners before marriage
Can get run down easily and gets sick easily
How did she contract herpes
28 years old
Dating someone she knew from childhood and school
decided to date him because it was convenient and felt like it would be safe
He did't tell her he had herpes
he told her that he didnt know he had herpes
she does not know if lied or really never knew
He blamed her for it and called her a slut when she told him
Her self esteem went from a 7 to a 2
She didnt think that anyone would love her agin because she has HSV2
Felt dirty, depressed, not worthy of finding true love, not worthy of being happily married, felt like she was going to become an old maid, didnt think that anyone would ever want to have sex with her
Wondered how this would play out in her day to day life. Ex) toilet seats, sharing clothes, towels
Went to yoga to destress and was worried that she would have to tell the yoga instructor that she has herpes before the shavasha rub.
Decided that she was going to stay with the guy who gave her herpes because it was the most convenient and she would not have to tell future partners that she has HSV
How did she overcome the initial shock
Decided not to become a victom
Knew that she needed to begin to take care of herself to prevent outbreaks
Tried acupuncture to improve her immune system and suppress the virus
Did not want to take the RX initially because she thought her body could fight it.
Began on a self love journey to improve her self esteem from a 2 to a 10
Took a course on self love and how to unlock your full potential
decided to read love poetry so that she would begin surrounding herself with love
wore as much pink and bright colors as possible to bring cheer and love into her daily life
began taking better care of herself regarding diet and exercise
removed dairy, sugar and fried food from her diet
Went to yoga more
Slept More
Broke up with the guy but it took 3 times and 2 years
Got her shit together at work
was angry, resentful and felt alone
knew that she had to find self love to move on from that space
I just got Herpes {Natalie}
Size 7 shoe
Size 2 clothes
loves to wear makeup
San Diego State University
Real Estate Major
Got good grades
Liked to party
Never had a boyfriend in collage because she wanted to keep her options open
Extra Charateristics
Dating the same guy on and off again, don't use condoms
A hyper type of personality
Does not get run down easily and is always on the go, it will catch up with her and her busy lifestyle
Takes Vaclocyclovier daily
otherwise will get outbreaks within 24 hours of being off the pill
Eats a healthy diet
drinks vodka sodas and white wine daily
Wants to have a steady relationship with boyfriend and take it to the next level.
Sex was not something discusses in her home but it was also not discouraged. Never really had the "talk" from her partents
Has only had 3 outbreaks; the first one and then 2 after trying to get off of the RX
Feels disgusting, wants to refrain from having sex because she feels disgusting
feels like nobody is talking about herpes because it is not glamorous
has not told friends or family about HSV
Top producer for her real estate broker
It is stressful
Makes $350,000 annual
Has worked there for 11 years
7:00 am workout
Gets to the office at 9:30
Lives 15 min away and can walk to her office
Will work until 7:00 or 9:00pm
Days off are Tuesday and Wednesday
Works 10 -12 hours a day
Dating a guy who she is not sure if they are a couple
Likes to cook but goes out every night because of being single and her career
Has breakfast delivered to her office
walks to lunch daily
drinks a ton of coffee
spends night a boyfriends 4x a week
Family Life
Is close to her brother
Dating a guy
Parents live about 8 hours away
Has a ton of girl friends
Talks to them daily
Goes to brunch with them weekly
How did she contract herpes
was on the off again with her boyfriend and spent the weekend with him in NYC. They did not use protection
he denies that he has it
both of them had other partners while on the off again
She felt like it could not be true and there is no way that she could be in this situation
He has never gotten tested or has never told her that he has it
Her swab test came back positive, the blood test came back negative
went off the RX and then got an outbreak
year later she found the BLOT test and her results came back positve
went back through the rollercoaster of emotions with finding out the final resutls
Does not know how to tell her new partner's and is refraining from having sex so she does not have to tell him
after on again and off again boyfriend gave her herpes she no longer talks to him. Refuses to have anything to do with him. she has now realized that she deserves more.
Does not know who to talk to, has not told anyone that she has it
feels totally alone and isolated
considering not telling future partners that she has HSV
decided to ignore that she has it and hoped that it will go away
the stigma of having Herpes is what is most destructive to her
How did she overcome the initial shock?
was not 100% convinced that she had it because of the mixed results in the tests
Is terrified to begin to accept that she has herpes
wants to find someone she can talk to
was horrified at what she found on google
Has not begun to digest that she has herpes
in a depressed state of mind
Into extreme high intensity workouts
Volunteers with her office
always attending a charity happy hour or party
Loves to travel and will take 3 day weekends and do local trips with her boyfriend
Loves country music
Involved with San Diego States Real Estate Alumni Group
Brunches with her girl friends
Someone I am Dating Has Herpes {Sarah}
27 Years Old
Wants a serious relationship
Talks to her girlfriends about almost everything
Is active and enjoys working out with her new boyfriend
very independent
New relatinship
They have been dating for 6 weeks and have not had sex
She is wondering why they have not slept together and is wondering if it is because he is not attracted to her
He told her that he has herpes
it was really hard to tell her because he found out he has it while they were dating. He did not sleep with anyone else and the virus decided to show up.
she believes him
She turns to Google to understand everything there is to know about the virus
She is not angry with him but feels sad that she can not comfort him when there are outbreaks
They do not use pertection and have managed to prevent him from passing it to her
She was more shocked that the guy she had fallen in love with has herpes. She thought that there was a specific stereotype who has it and never thought it would be her future husband. Does not judge him for having it.
It is more of an inconvenience at times and that is all it is
wants a resource to know what is trending with the virus and is looking for information on the Vaccine