diagram of Walter Benjamin biographies
birth: 15 July 1892
1905-1907 boarding school in Haubinda, youth movement
1902-1912 pupil at Kaiser Friedrich School in Charlottenburf
1910-11 first texts published in Der Anfang #
1912-1919 attends universities Freiburg, Berlin, Munich and Bern
1915 breaks with Gustav Wyneken ideas, becomes acquainted with Gershom Scholem, Werner Kraft, Feliz Noeggerath, Rainer Maria Rilke
1917 marries Dora Sophie Pollak
1919 completes doctorate with the thesis The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism, meets Ernst Bloch
1918 birth of a son Stefan Rafael #
1921 initiates journal Angelus Novus
1923 prepares his Habilitation at University of Frankfurt am Main; meet Adorno, Kracauer; starts translation of Tableaux parisiens by Baudelaire
1924 trip to Capri, where Benjamin meets Asja Lacis
1924/25 essay Goeathe's Elective Affinities" appears in Neue Duetsche Beitrage
1925 Habilitation is rejected by University of Frankfurt, which is necessary to have a chance for academic career
1926/27 two months stay in Moscow
1927 begins work on Arcade Project; first radio plays
1928 One-Way Stree and The Origin of German Tragic Drama published
1929 contact with Bertold Brecht intensifies
1930 divorces Dora Sophie
1932 first stay on Ibiza, work on A Berlin Chronicle, and Berlin Childhood
1933 March emigration to France
1934 regular contributions to Zeitschrift fur Sozialforschung; work on Arcades resumes
1936 The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility appears under pseudonym Detlef Holz in Luzern
1937 work on Baudelaire begins
1939 expatriated by Germany; "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire" published in Zeitschrift fur SOzialforschung; after beginning of IIWW is interned in a camp in Clos St Joseph
1940 returns to Paris, works on "On the Concept of History"; then in June fless to Lourdes
26 September 1940 after failed attempt to escape through Spain to US, Benjamin commits suicide in Portbou