How is coastal flooding a signifiant and increasing risk on some coastlines

Local Factors




Low lying

Delta of gauges

Costal and river flooding at once

Mangrove removed

Less interception

1 to 3m above sea level

... sand

Easterly gets washed away

Palm trees have fallen down due to beach storm

No longer hold sand together

Storm surge cause flooding


Salt water washed into the fields

People got caught in it and died

Stops crops growing

Crops gone and livestock drowned

Houses ruined

Environmental refuges


Washed away the islands

Depressions Tropical cyclones

Causes flooding

Bangladesh and Philippines

Climate change increase coastal flooding

Sea level rise

2mm per year

Rate has increased

increased speed

20 - 50cm by 2100

will effect the low lying islands

E.G. Tuvau

only 5m above sea level

Environmental refuges

Cultural dilotion
