SPEND FIFTEEN MINUTES A DAY ENGRAVING THE SKILL ON YOUR BRAIN - (Mental imaging: feel what it is like to play what you hear; imagine playing the piece and what it feels like in as much detail as possible)
Watch the skill being performed, closely and with great intensity, over and over, until you build a high-definition mental blueprint.
The key to effective engraving is to create an intense connection: to watch and listen so closely that you can imagine the feeling of performing the skill.
For physical skills, project yourself inside the performer’s body. Become aware of the movement, the rhythm; try to feel the interior shape of the moves. (I never noticed that I do this instinctually and have ever since playing the guitar! I imagine what is physically feels like to play the notes I am hearing - the strings used, every bend or vibrato, and the right hand movements, etc.)
For mental skills, simulate the skill by re-creating the expert’s decision patterns. (analyze the licks, scales, chords, fingerings and how they put together the piece or solo)
Musicians cover their favorite songs (for improvising, listen to and notate the solos and fingerings you love and play them over and over)