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Islam Beliefs and Teachings (The Oneness of God and the supremacy of his…
Islam Beliefs and Teachings
Muhammad and the Imamate
Muhammad wasn't clear about who should succeed him. Muslims split into two groups the Shi'a and Sunni. The shi'a believe in an appointed Imamate that follows the family line of Muhammad . There is a branch of Shi'a islam called The Twelvers who believe there is only 12 Imams and the last one Muhammad al-Mahdi is kept alive by God and is hidden on Earth. They believe that he will reveal himself with Jesus and bring justice and equality to the world.
Muhammad was born around 570 ce in Mecca, One day when he went praying in a cave on Mount Hira in around 610 ce he revived a message from God conveyed by the angel Jibril. This process happened over 20 years and what he was given was the words of the Qur'an.
Prophethood and Adam
Adam was the first man created by God from clay. He was the first prophet and is treated with reverence and great respect
The Islamic story about Adam and Hawwa (Eve) is very similar to the Christian one apart from the fact that angels are much more involved as it tells how they were made from light and that God told them to bow to Adam as he was his best creation. This story also only happens in one day
Prophet, someone who proclaims the message of God. The prophets are important for Muslims because they provided a method of communication between God and humans. In order for Muslims to know how to live information had to be conveyed through the prophets to the people. The most important prophets are Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad
Risalah, the belief that the prophets are an important way of communication between God and humans
Key Beliefs of Sunni and Shi'a Islam
Muslims who believe in the successorship to Muhammad of Abu Bakr, Umar Uthman and Ali
The majority of Muslims. They have 6 articles of faith, their central beliefs. Angels, tawhid, authority of the holy books, the supremacy of God's will, the day of judgment and the prophets of God
Muslim who believe in the Imamate, the successorship of Ali
The minority of Muslims. They have 5 roots of 'Usul ad-Din which are prophethood, the justice of God, resurrection, the imamate and tawhid
Angels are sinless, pure beings with no free will. They are supernatural beings that worship God continually. They have between 2 and 4 pairs of wings and they were created by God through light. They are able to receive God's word and pass it on to the prophets as they are completely devoid of sin
Angel Types
The Angel of Mercy
Mika'il is assigned by God to reward righteous people for the good that they do during their lives. He is responsible for rain, thunder and lightning
They have higher status than other angels, they fulfill a more important role than regular angels e.g. The Angel of Mercy
Day of Judgment Angels
A Day of Judgment angel, specifically Israfil will blow a trumpet to announce the last day on earth. They take peoples souls to God, guard the gates of hell and escort people to paradise
Guardian Angels
With you your whole life protecting and watching over you
The Oneness of God and the supremacy of his will
Islam was gradually revealed through many prophets starting from Adam all the way to Muhammad in the Seventh Century
Islam in Arabic means submission. Muslims believe that they should submit to the will of Allah as it helps them achieve peace
The Oneness of God
Tawhid, the oneness and unity of God
"He is God the one, God the eternal"
The supremacy of God's will
Muslims believe that Allah is the one and only creator and controller of the Universe. Nothing takes place unless God allows it to. Inshallah means God willing, Muslims often say this after making a promise and it shows their belief that nothing happens without God. This supremacy of Gods will is a very important part of Sunni faith. "You who believe obey God and the Messenger"
The Impact of these beliefs on Muslims
It makes Muslims accept that everything that happens, good or bad, is Gods will and to accept it as such. They also know that God's plans for us is beyond our comprehension and that everything that happens is part of them and meant to be
"Misfortunes can only happen with God's permission"
Ibrahim is the Islamic name for the prophet Abraham. The Qur'an presents Ibrahim as a role model because of his obedience to God, his kindness and compassion and his refusal to worship idols.
Ibrahim hated the idols his people worshiped so destroyed them with an axe. He left the largest one standing and when the people asked what had happened he said the largest one had destroyed all the others and to ask it why it did so. When the people said that their idols could not speak Ibrahim asked why they would worship statues that cannot "speak, hear or defend themselves". The people were furious and had Ibrahim burnt alive. Miraculously however only his chains burnt off and he walked out unscathed due to this many people began to follow God
Ibrahim also rebuilt the Ka'aba with his son Ishmael in the same spot Adam built it before it was destroyed by the flood.
Predestination is the belief that God knows everything that is going to happen. Humans of course have free will and can change what will happen but Allah already knows this.
Life After Death
After death Muslims believe we enter a conscious state called Barzakh or barrier.
As they lie in the grave God sends angels to question them about their faith
On the day of judgment everyone is resurrected
The 'Book of Life' is handed round for people to read
If the book is placed in the right hand the person goes to Paradise (al'Jannah)
If the book is placed in the left hand the person goes to hell (Jahannam)
In any case God sorts the souls by making them cross the 'Sirat Bridge' that stretches across hell. Good people are transported quickly to heaven
The Nature of God
God is the Greatest
Every day Muslims hear and recite the words 'Allahu Akbar' meaning God is great. Muslims believe God is so great he is beyond our understanding
The names of God
In the Qur'an and Hadith there are 99 names of God which each are a quality of God that he has revealed to us. "The most excellent names belong to God: use them to call on him
Qualities of God
The Holy Books in Islam
Gospel, a holy book revealed by God to Jesus
Psalms, a holy book revealed by God to David
Scrolls of Abraham, a holy book revealed by God to Abraham
Torah, the five books revealed by God to Moses