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matter of life and death (christians belief about life after death(believe…
matter of life and death
christians belief about life after death(believe it)
jesus rose from the dead this is recorded in the gospel and new testament proves ther is life after death
st paul taught that people will be resurrectted like jesus
major creeds of church teach that jesus rose from the dead and that there will belife after death christians supposed to believe the creed so they should believe in life after death
many christian churches teach their is life after death
gives life a meaing and purpose life after death is when they will be judged on how they lived their life and good will be rewarded and evil punishded makes sense of this life
how this belief effects their life
living a good christian life means loving god and loving your neighbour so christian lives will be affected as they will try to love god by praying everyday and worhsipping god every sunday
christians believe what happens to them after they die is based on how they lived their life therefore they would try to live a good christian life by following teachings in bible and chruch so they go heavan when they die
in parable of the sheep jesus said christians shoudl feed the hungry clothe the naked , befriedn strangers and visit the sick he also taught that in the good samaritan means loving your neighbour meaning helping anyone in need these teachings are bound to affect christian lives and explains why christians work for charities christian aid
those who sin will go hell and christians will try to avoid that because those who are good will go heavan therefore they will prevent sinning in their lives so they can go heavan
christian attitudes to sex outside marriage (Dont allow)
adultery is banned by 10 commandments which all christians should follow. also condemned by jesus
against adultry breaks wedding vows
catechism says pre martial sex is wrong catholics should follow teachings
Bible says its a sin
christians and homosexuality
bible doesnt allow it and its direct word of god
churche says sex should be for procreation
church says you cannot control your sexual orientation but can control sexual activity
its natural and christians should love and accept everyone
christians should be open and honest than live a lie or pretend to be heterosexual
islam and homosexuality (allowed/Not allowed)
condemned in quran which is final word of god (
muhammaed condemned it in hadith hes a role model(
quran says sex should be between husband and wife (
sex should be for procreation
muslims should try have a family homosexuals cant
islam is religion of tolerance not hate
god loves everyone (omnibenevolent) whatever their sexual orientation
scientific evidence says god must have made some people homosexuals (
islam and contraception
quran says god does not place burdens on his followers & contraception stops extra burdens
muslim lawyers say contraception si different form of abortion therefore permitted
if pregancy has health risks then its allowed as islam puts mothers life first
god created sex for procreation
duty of muslims to have large families
dont allow abortion therefor dont allow contraceptive abortifacients
Christians and contraception
pope condemns any use of contraception
church says sex should be to bring wife husabnd together or procreation
church says artifical contraception leads to promiscuity, divorce, broken families, sexually transmitted diseases
god created sex for enjoyment and stregthen marriage so doesnt have to be for procreation
bible doesnt say anything that frobids contraception
condoms best way to prevent hiv/ aids
islam and life after death (believe it)
life after death is 1 of the 6 fundamental beliefs all muslims should believe
how belief affects their life
on the last day muslims will bejudged by god thos who lived a good muslim life will go paradise everyone else goes hell muslims will try to live good muslims life to avoid hell
living good muslim life includes 5 pillars which they must fulfill
muslims believe in
ressurection- body stays in grave until end of worl where its raised
therefor ethye must avoid port-mortem and trasnplant surgeries as nothing should be removed for resurrection
must avoid haram foods and alcohol so cannot have anything haram or involved in lending or recieving interest
muhammad taught there is life after death muslims believ hes the last prophet and role model for muslims so teachings must be true
quran teaches there is life after death and quran is word of god so teachings must be true
islam and sex outside marriage (dont allow)
sex before marriage is forbidden by quran which is gods word
shariah law says sex should only take place in marriage
adultery is condemned by god in quran
adultery breaks the marriage contract both husband and wife agreed
adultery harms family which is condemned by both quran and shariah
sex is for procreation (creating life) and raised in a family with both mum dad married
christian attitudes to divorce
lesser of 2 evils
churches believe better to divorce than than live in hatred and quarrel all the time
islam and divorce
not allowed
muhammad said divorce is most hated of lawful things
they will be sent to hell if they harm children and divorce likely would
quran teaches you should rescue marriage before turning to divroce
quran allows it but custody of children goes to the wife
shariah law allows it but have their ways in which divorce and re marriage should happen
in the marriage contract it says what if couple divorce therefore its allowed
lesser evil than living in hatred and quarrel all the time
if christians repent and confess sins they can be forgiven and hsould have another chance at marriage
Dont allow
jesus taught its wrong
couple made vows and bond with god
christianity and family life
purpose of marriage is to have children , bring them up in christian environemtn with the teachings so they become good christians
family is too important to be broken by divorce
islam and family life (important)
paretns will be judged by god on upbringing of children and will decide if they go hell or heaven
quran teaches family was created by god as base unit of society and only place children should be brought up in
muhammad married & raised a family hes a role model
allows islam to grow as you bring children to the faith
family is important as it brings children to the faith