"Moore, however, refused to play a wife. She wanted her character to be the sole center of her fictional world, a reflection of America's increasing number of once-married, not-yet-married, and never-married women. She also didn't want to be a widow, like the bland, backward-looking characters in Here's Lucy or The Doris Day show. " (Jones)
"During rehearsal you couldn't really pick her out as 'the star' as the cast works through its problems. If she wants coffee, she goes and gets it for herself, instead of waving it out of some minor member of the troupe. If she finds something lacking in one of her lines... she examines it in a way which no scriptwriter could object to... the writers and producers agreed, and in the final script the line was adjusted to fit. Mary wanted it 'true' rather than merely funny." (Birmingham)
"She is chairman of the Board of MTM Enterprises, Inc., which produces six shows including her own and 'The Bob Newhart Show,' but you wouldn't know it." (Birmingham)
"In 1969 Moore and her husband, Grant Tinker, formed the production company MTM..." (Brennan)
"'I'm learning about personal inequality in one's own mind as time goes by. I'm much more aware of it than I used to be. I am just going to allow other people better qualified than I to handle the inequalities of pay, and stature, and right. But it is interesting as I begin to think about inequality in one's own life, how much I have to learn and how much I had taken for granted, and been taken for granted, I'm not going to get up on a soapbox about it, or be bitter.'" (Birmingham)