Kirwan et al. (2008) have recently conducted an fMRI study of recognition memory using a source memory procedure to assess recollection and familiarity. Participants were scanned while they studied an initial list of words and made animacy (sentient?) judgments for ones presented in green or size judgments for ones presented in red. In the test, old and new words were presented and participants judged (on a 1-6 scale, 1 = ‘sure new’, 6 = ‘sure old’) whether they had seen the word in the study phase. For words judged old, they then reported the memory source, which is assumed to require recollection of the word’s study context. That is to say, they judged whether they had made an animacy or a size judgment for the word at study (again on a scale from 1-6, 1 = ‘sure animacy’, 6 = ‘sure size’).