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Year 1 (English (Langauge (Identify the parts of a simple sentence that…
Year 1 
Identify the parts of a simple sentence that represent ‘What’s happening?’, ‘What state is being described?’, ‘Who or what is involved?’ and the surrounding circumstances (ACELA1451)
Play Ball
The students stand in a circle and the teacher reads out a sentence from the book. The student with the ball has to identify whats happening in the sentence, then the student passes the ball to the next student and this student has to identify what state is being described in the sentence and then they pass the ball to the next student who then identifies who or what is involved in the sentence. (FMS RMD p.89)
Explore differences in words that represent people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs) (ACELA1452)
Lucky Dip
Teacher has a bag full of cards that each have a word from the book accompanied with a picture that visually represents the word. Each student gets a lucky dip and picks a word out of the bag and has to decide if that word is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb. Students then have to stand in the allocated spot in the room for the category that their word fits into.
Compare different kinds of images in narrative and informative texts and discuss how they contribute to meaning (ACELA1453)
Odd One Out
The teacher shows students three images from narrative texts and informative texts and students have to identify which one is the odd one out and provide a reason as to why its the odd one out (either because it is from a narrative text and the others are from informative texts or because it is from an informative text and the others are from a narrative text). (FMS RMD p.90)
Manipulate phonemes in spoken words by addition, deletion and substitution of initial, medial and final phonemes to generate new words (ACELA1457)
Making Words Card Game
Students are grouped in pairs and each pair is given consonant cards and cards with vowel sounds (e.g. 'ear' or 'ore'). Students divide the cards up evenly between them and their partner and one student places down a consonant card and the other student places down a vowel sound card that matches with the consonant to make a word. Then students can decide if they want to place down a consonant or vowel sound that will add to the previous consonant or vowel sound to make a new word.
Understand that a letter can represent more than one sound and that a syllable must contain a vowel sound (ACELA1459)
Sound Hunter
Choose a particular letter and get the students to point out the words in the book beginning with the chosen letter. Write these words on the board and after the book/section of the book has been read, get the students to look at the words written on the board and identify all the different sounds that the letter has made. (FMS RMD p.80)
Segment consonant blends or clusters into separate phonemes at the beginnings and ends of one syllable words (ACELA1822)
Word Sort
Children are given laminated cards, each card with a one syllable word from the book printed on it and the children have to categorise the words based on the number of sounds they can hear in the word. (FS RMD p.74)
Recognise that different types of punctation, including full stops, question marks and exclamation, signal sentences that make statements, ask questions, express emotion or give commands (ACELA1449)
Punctuation Cards
Each student is given 3 cards; one with an exclamation mark, one with a comma and one with a full stop. As the teacher reads the story, the students must also read along with the story and when the teacher gets to a punctuation mark in the story, the students must hold up the card of the matching punctuation mark.
Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning about key events, ideas and information in texts that they listen to, view and read by drawing on growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features (ACELY1660)
Word Cover Up
The written text in the book is covered and students have to use the pictures to make assumptions as to what the story is about.
Read supportive texts using developing phrasing, fluency, contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge and emerging text processing strategies, for example prediction, monitoring meaning and rereading (ACELY1659)
Modelled Reading Lesson
Using the text, the teacher will model a prediction reading lesson to the students. (FMS RRB p.11)
Engage in conversations and discussions, using active listening behaviours, showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and questions (ACELY1656)
Use interaction skills including turn-taking, recognising the contributions of others, speaking clearly and using appropriate volume and pace (ACELY1788)
After reading the book, students will form teams of small groups (4-5 students in each group) and they will be quizzed on the book. The fastest group to buzz in with the correct answer will get the point.
Create short imaginative and information texts that show emerging use of appropriate text structure, sentence level grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation and appropriate multimodal elements, for example illustrations and diagrams (ACELY1661)
Word Set Story
Each student will be given a set of words from the text and the students will have to create a text that incorporates the set of words they were given.
Recreate texts imaginatively using drawing, writing, performance and digital forms of communication (ACELT1586)
Act It Out
Each student gets given a passage from the text and students have to arrange themselves in the order that each passage fits in the text. Students then act out their passage using actions and gestures.
Discuss characters and events in a range of literary texts and share personal responses to these texts, making connections with students’ own experiences (ACELT1582)
Draw It Out
After reading the story, students draw a picture of how the text connects with them. This could be a personal experience about turtles or sea life/oceans and students must write a couple of sentences describing their personal experience.
Innovate on familiar texts by using similar characters, repetitive patterns or vocabulary (ACELT1832)
Snap and Clap
The teacher will put the repetitive saying from the book (verb, Turtle, repeat verb!) on the board. Students sit in a circle and teacher starts doing a simple snap and clap rhythm and gets students to copy. Teacher will then say the repetitive phrase on the board and insert their own verb (e.g. "Swim, Turtle, swim!"). The next person has to say the repetitive phrase and insert a different verb of their choice. (FMS RMD p.89)
People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022)
Teacher works with students to create a KWL chart in relation to how we can look after our oceans and marine life.
The Arts
Use of known stories and personal experiences to create drama with simple objects and available technologies (ACADRM029)
Object Find
Students have to go around the room and find objects/materials and use these resources to act out scenes from the text.
Students have to state the objects they are using and what each object represents in their performance.
Visual Arts
Exploration of different materials, media and/or technologies, when creating artwork (ACAVAM107)
Ocean Art
Students are given different materials found in/near the ocean (such as sand, seaweed, shells) and they must create an artwork using these materials.
Exploration of, and experimentation with, the visual art elements of shape, colour, line, space and texture (ACAVAM106)
Collaborative Art
Students are in small groups of 4-5 and each person takes a turn at drawing a line (they may draw any type of line they want e.g. straight line, curly line, squiggly line). Students repeat this process until at the end, all the lines must come together to create a picture that relates to marine life, the ocean or the beach.
Each group must come to the front and present their artwork and describe to the other students what their picture is about.
Media Arts
Exploration and experimentation of images, sounds and text to communicate ideas and tell stories (ACAMAM054)
Comic Strips
Students use an app on the iPad's to make their own short comic strip to re-tell the story in book. Students must draw pictures on the iPads for their comic strips and add captions and/or speech bubbles to communicate the story.
Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features (ACMMG022)
Find the Shapes
Students are in pairs and each pair is given a picture from the book and students have to try and find as many different shapes as they can in the picture. Once they have done this, they can then count how many of each shape is found in the picture.
Learning Experiences
School excursion to AQWA
School excursion to Perth Zoo - focus on the turtle enclosure