Coffee Shop
1.Start-up Phase
Project Charter
Feasibility study (customer survey)
Discuss, meet, with partners, investors
Feasibility Report
- Planning Phase
- Execution Phase
Execute project management plans
Procurement management
Develop team & assign resources
Set up tracking systems
- Performance & Control Phase
Ensure quality
Measure progress against objectives
Track effort and cost
Monitor changes
- Close-down Phase
Provide training
Handover the shop
Team members
Vong Borey
Himesha Prabhakara Wijekoon
Vipul Kumar
Rabendra Prasad Shrestha
Poonam Devi
Pradhan Narve
Prepare Risk Management Strategy
Prepare Communication Plan
Prepare Work Breakdown Schedule
Set goals & scope
Prepare Budget
Prepare Gantt Chart
Goals & Scope
Communication Plan
Risk Management Strategy
Work Breakdown Schedule
Project Gantt Chart
Execute tasks
Update status, schedule & project plan