Magnetic Resonance Imaging - uses a strong magnetic field and radiofrequency pulses to produce images of all parts of the body, including bone, soft tissue, and blood vessels
Prep: No caffeine 4 hr before testing; normal diet, unless pelvic testing (6 hr NPO); no eye makeup; must remove all metal; contraindications include tattoos, permanent makeup, and any metallic implants with iron (e.g., pacemakers, artificial heart valves, aneurysm clips, material associated with metal-related occupation); patient will hear loud tapping during test and must remain still; notify provider if patient has iodine allergies or is claustrophobic.
Full Name: Magnetic resonance imaging
Use: Greatest detail for soft tissues; superior for tumor detection; poor bone imaging
Effects: No known biologic hazards
Cost: $400 to $4,000
Limits: No metal implants or pacemakers; tattoos may blur images
Time: less than 30 minutes
Contrast: Rare allergic reaction in those with liver or kidney disease