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Believing in God (How a religious upbringing may lead to believe in God…
Believing in God
how evil and usffering casue people to question or reject eblief in god God is all powerful,all loving ,all can't have all of those together . If God is benevolent he would want to remove evil and suffering.If God is omniscient he would know how to remove evil.If God is omnipotent he would be able to remove evil and suffering.Evil and suffering exists so either god isnt all power ful and all good or either God doesnt exist.
Christian response to this-believe God must have arwason for allowing evil and suffering but humans cant understand it so the correct response is you should fght against evil adn suffering as jesus did by hea;ling the sick,feeding hunfry.many beciome doctor/nurse to help reduce suffering.Christians say god gave humanity free will. and so created a world in wihc evil and suffering comes throught humans and not God.belive this life is preparation for paradise.if peole need to improve there needs to be evil and suffering in order to become good-he will show his omni benevolence and omnipotence by rewarding good in heaven.
why scinetific explanation of he world may lead to agnosticism or atheismif science can explain the universe and humans without God ,it can lead some people to be agnostic as they no longer need God to explain why we are here.other people may have become atheists because they belive that if God existed he must have mad ethe world and be the only explanation for the way that science can explain the world and humans without God is proof to such people that God doesnt exist.
Christians response- only god could have made the Big bang at exactly the right time.belive that all evidenc e for the BB could be explained by the bible account of creation-noahs flood.believe both are correct -claim the main points of the bilbe story fit with science but one of God's days could be millions of or billions of years.
Natural evil-things which cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans
Numinous-Feeling of the presence of something greater than you
Omnibenevolent-Belief god is all good
Omnipotent-Belief that god is all powerful
Omniscient-Belief god knows everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen
Prayer-contacting god through words
Agnosticism-not being sure if God exists or not
Atheism-believing that God doesn't exist
Conversion-when your life is changed by giving yourself to God.
Free will-the idea that humans are free to make their own choices.
Miracle-something that breaks the law of science and makes you think only God could have done it.
Moral Evil-actions done by humans which causes suffering
Argument for the existence of God-COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT cause and effect seem to be abasic feature of the world,whatever we do has an effect so if ido my homework i will please my parent/teacher.modern science has proven that any effect has a cause and any cause has an effect.this means the universe,the world and the humans must have had acause..God is the only logical cause of the universe therefore God must exist.N
Argument for the existence of God-anything that has been designed needs a designer.There is plenty of evidence that the world has been designed (laws of science-gravity).If the world has been designed the world must have a designer.The only possible designer of the universe would be God.thereofre the appearance of design in the world proves that God exists.Use the example of william paley
why unanswered prayers may lead to agnosticim or atheism-if people day thier prayer in church or at home but dont feel the presence of god when they pray,they might feel that there is no god listenign to them- the feeling that n one is listenign to their prayers leads them to agnosticism or even atheism.if someones unanswered prayers like praying for a sick child to be cured of cancer or for the end of drought then they may stop beliving in God.this is becasue they might hink God does not exist if he let such things happen
how one religion responds to unanswered prayersselfish prayers are answered but not in the way you want them to e.g. if you pray to God to help pass your exam without any work,he will answer the prayer by not helping so that you do work hard next time.your prayer might not be answered in the way younexpect it to becuse god has different planse.g. he might want an ill perosn to enter heaven.christians belive that god loves people and so tehy belive God's love will answer their prayers in teh best possible way evn though it might not look like a direct answer.christians have faithb that god will answer all prayers in the best way for the person praying or for the people prayed for even if it is different from what they expected.