Choreographic Task: Students are organised into small groups. Each group is allocated a flash card at random that outlines something explored in the text e.g. a feeling such a "fear", landmark - "The Pinnacles", an activity - "scuba diving" etc. and students work in groups to create a movement sequence to communicate this.
Once provided with adequate working time, groups perform the dances for each other. Discuss the role of the audience member (polite, no talking, attentive, clap etc.). After each performance other groups can guess what they were trying to show from a list of possibilities. (ACADAM007)
Once each group performs. Each student can pick another group to write a "review" of, independently. Teacher can model structure on board with class. Reviews can be "published" (bound/ stapled together or displayed) in a class dance magazine. (ACADAR008)
Students can pick two groups dancers and produce a venn diagram of the similarities and differences between the movement