Lane Clark 3 - Learning Process
Thinking is what you do to learn
Know where they are and going, +how to get there.
conscious processing
systems (peter senge)
The brain (check cheat sheet)
Human cognitive structur)
get rid of extraneous cogn load)
sensory meomry
working me
Long term M
learn trhrough senses
max 3-4 things, max 15 sec at atime
2-3yrs for storgage
use picture sto preven t overload
UNit = new stuff connecting to old stuff
code , then encode
see notes
repeate teaching of concepts
magic tress of the minds - Mariann diamons +jannet Hobson
Deep thinking
right tooll at right time in right sequence
relational thinking /connection
two phases in practice
Time to acquire and intergrate
time to extend and refine
no new teaching
dimensions of learning
Start with curriculum
know waht to cover to contextualise
what they need to know ndunderstand at end
go 5-wise deep - use aas filter for curriculum
age , time in lfe, culture, dev levele, commu ity
come up with so waht possibiloties