Profesional Basketball or Trainer


Sallary , the sallary depends on how good you are of a player also it depends on which team you arae on.




The avrage sallary of a profesional basketball player is 5.15 million a year

If basketball dosent work out then being a trainer for basketball could work just as good

Sallary, teh Sallary depends on how good the trainer is the avrage trainer for basketball is 45,000 acording to

Piont Guard, as piont gurad you take out the ball and you usally are the best ball dribbler

Wings are the people in the middle of the piont guard and the post

Post is the 2 people closet to the basketball hoop and there are usally taller people

What you can do as a trainer.

Also you can help them with ball handdling

Or you can help them shoot

You can help them run and help them with endurance

How long you train and how many days you train, well on days when you do not have games you usally practice for about 3 hours a day

Training for basketball, you can train for basketball by playing colloge basketball or by traing at the gym