New Step 3: Analysis of Existing and Future System
Customer Service
Working on Till
Staff Allocation (Router)
Give added information about questions asked by customers
Solving enquirers
Passing on enquirers if they cant answer it
Getting requested items for customers
Giving customers detailed directions for location goods if unavailable to get it for them at that time
Answering complaints from customers
Forwarding complaints
Refund and Exchanges
Providing refunds of items
Exchanging provided goods
Scanning purchased goods
Taking payments from customers
Body language and communication
Bagging customer items in suitable bags
Requesting payment method
Good posture
Standing up right and professional
Clear speech dialogue and cheerful/happy body language
There wouldn't be any misunderstanding
Customer wouldn't be bored when interacting
Customer might feel unconformable if staff is to cheerful and interactive
Bank card /contact less
Check router
Assign responsibility
Stock Level (Shelfs)
Removing expired items
Moving items from storage room onto the shelf
Disposing the goods that cant be distributed to customers
Customers would not be able to purchase the expired items
Goods did not sell - therefore money has been lost
Nearly expired good
Putting items that are nearly ' off ' on sell for a discount price
Ensuring their is enough workers per day
Check staff sickness
Ensure cover is provided for any absent staff members
Ensuring departments are well covered