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J. Bailey A Mid Summer nights dream (Plot (Act I (Introduce and…
J. Bailey A Mid Summer nights dream
Athens: High Born
Theseus- (DUKE OF ATHENS) A greek hero, half human and half god, son of zeus and founder Athens.
Hippolyta- An Amazonian Queen, Female warriors, would sometimes cut off the left breast at childbirth to make it easier to shoot a bow and fight.
Egeus- hermia's Father wants her to marry
Hermia- A young woman of Athens; in love with demitrius
Lysander- A young man of Athens ; in love with Hermia
Demitrius - A young man of Athens ; made love to Helena but is now in love with hermia
Titania-The Fairy Queen married to Oberon, she has been sleeping around for a year (more like humans than gods)
Oberon- The Fairy King has also been around for the past year. (More like humans than gods)
Puck-The trickster servant to Oberon (loki) Robin Goofellow.
Athens: Mechanicals
Nick bottom- A blue-color worker from athens who intends to put on a play for the Duke (theseus) on his wedding day.
Snug- the joiner
Tom Snout- the tinker
Robin Starveling- the tailor
Francis Flut- The bellows mender
Act I
Introduce and Exposition
Act II
Rising action
Act IV
Falling action
Act V
Shakespeate and his plays
There were 37 plays
In MidSummers Night Dream
5 Acts
No death
Acts area separated into scenes
Things to look for while watching shakespeare
The Action on the stage/Actors faces and gestures
The poetry and the images contained there
Wha the characters are actually saying
Images by act
Act I
Yield or give up
Act II
mind vs heart
Winter vs summer
Cold vs Hot
Play summerary
Act I (Athens)
Scene i
Theseus ans hippolytus are getting married in 4 days
Edges is pissed at hermia and lysander for being in love . Egues wants her to marry demetrius
Theseus gives Hermia 3 choices: A. death, B. marry demitrius, C. become a nun
Lysanders aunt has a bunch of money and thinks of him as a son. She lives 7 leagues from athens and they can run away to there.
Helena learns of their plans and intends to tell Demetrius who btw flirted with Helena to begin with and "won her soul"
Scene ii
A group of blue color Athenian workmen meet to didciss pottingg on a play of Pyramus and thisby (Romeo/Juliet) in celebration of the Duke's wedding
Nick Bottom is a blow hard who bullies his friends., talks too much, and wants to do everything
They assign parts and decide to meet in the woods so that they can practice it in private.
Act II (The Woods outside of Athens)
scene i
puck is a trickster, a Loki figure who doesn't mean any harm but causes trouble.
Titania and Oberon have been broken up and seeing other people for over a year and she has adopted a boy and he wants the boy.
Scene ii
Oberon puts the flower juice in titanias eyes and puck buts the juice in the athenian boys eyes which was supposed to be demitrius for helena. He actually puts it in lysander and he falls in love with helena.
Act 3 (still the woods)
Scene 1
The mechanicals all the meet to reherse for the play they discuss how to bring moonshine not a chamber and how to present a "wall"
Puck find them and turns bottom into an ass and the other guys run away
Titania wakes up and falls in love with Bottom and refuses to let him leave the woods (hostage) but promises to pay with fairy jewels and treats
scene 2
Oberon and puck discuss what happened to titania
Demetrius and Hermia enter. Hermia is wondering what happened to lysander. (It is clear now that puck erred and magic juiced the wrong Athenian)
Demetrius Falls asleep after Hermia leaves. Oberon instructs ouck to find helena and Oberon charms Demitrius' eyes with the flower.
Lysander and helena show op and Demetrius wakes up and sees Helena and Falls on love.
Helena thinks that she's being pranked and the guys are getting ready to fight and then the girls fight too
Puck causes fog and uses his voice to confuse Lysander and Demetrius until they are tired and go to sleep. Then Fairies cause the girls to find they guys and they all sleep near each other.
Act 4
Scene 1
Oberon goes to where titania and bottom are sleeing and puck changes bottom back to normal. He also gets the boy
Theseus, his crew, hippolyta and egeus area out and find hermia, lysander, demetrius, and hippolyta. Theseus asks of hermias choice and demetrius says he no longer loves hermia.
Bottom wakes up and speaks of his "dream"
Scene 2
The mechanicals are at bottoms house sad because he's gone and an ass for all they know. Then bottom comes into town and everyone is happy
Act 5
Scene 1
Demetrius and helena, Lysander and hermia, and Theseus and Hippolyta get married. The mechanicals do a play
The play was about pyramus and thisbe which was a copy of romeo and juilet.
They preform the play and everyone loves it and the lovers go to bed. All is well
Scene 2
Puck comes out and says that its all good and that there is no need to be offended