EPM Role @ Execution Team Level
Risk & dependency management
Planning for MVP (not for a single sprint)
Execution team Status reporting/communications
Identifying and onboarding required cross-functional resources
FLEX Lead EPM role?
How execution team EPM role is different to Lead EPM Role?
Stakeholder mangement
Example: Todd/Chad reporting at Execution level
Execution level reporting to Experience leadership team
Tracking progress against team plan
Skillset/Experience level of Execution team EPM?
Manageable ratio Execution Teams: EPMs?
Experience level tracking
Experience level reporting
Planning for future iterations
GTM Activities
If a GPM/OLP is in place, this changes to core PMT rep for all of Engineering
Overall Experience level release planning
Involved in customer demo planning, tracking and preparation
Understand this includes RCM, ACT,XACT, C3 coordination etc
cross team dependencies
Dependencies external to the Experience team
Risk Management
Ensuring effective tracking from Tools once estabilshed
Execution team focused v overall Experience level
Lead EPM working as part of Experience Leadership team. with resultant accountability and responsibility
Execution team EPM provides the detailed required coverage at Execution team level that one Lead EPM can't stretch to
Providing feedback on Experience/Execution teams methods/lessons learned/recommendations
Responsible for driving wider organizational discussions impacting Experience team e.g. how to input Agile requirements into a PRD/into OLP
Symphony Example - Symphony Working Group
Key contributor to Leadership demo readiness & delivery
For all cross functional orgs
Overall DellEMC CTO
Jeff, Dan , Scott
Chad & Todd
See specifics for FRU
Other stakeholder s who want to work with Symphony
SCR team
Connectrix/Voyager team
OCTO team
Weekly Todd/Chad update
BMT updates (bi-weekly)
Weekly Jeff/Dan/Scott sync
Weekly Tim L/Puneet/Brad M sync
Responsible for effective experience level coordination
MS360 team
CS team - support analytics
Definition of Experience and Execution team R&R frameworks
.Symphony Lead EPM