Reflection on Communication Difficulty





Future Strategies


Heirarchy, customer believed she had more authority.



Communication as the verbal and nonverbal exchange of information.

Effective communication occurs when the
message received corresponds with the message sent.

The purpose of this essay is to critically reflect on a communication difficulty i have experienced.

Impersonal communication. Felt dismissed and inadequate.

Created negative prototype of the customer, wealthy individual in a different social class from myself.

Tone of voice was dismissive.
Language was impersonal and reinforced stereotypes.

Presence of a third party added further constraints.

Responded to my role as the shop assistant, rather than as a person, impersonal communication.

Empathy, respect, and understanding when communicating with people.

Using words in the wrong context, causing offence.

Body language seemed closed off. Lack of eye contact and silence. Blocked communication.

Improving capacity to handle difficult situations and working on communication skills.

Negative social perspective. Interpreted the customer as unkind, creating a negative personal construct.

Anxious too do well. Feelings of anxiety escalated, when faced with a dominant personality.

Lack of assertivness, resulting in submissive body language. Customer took advantage of non competitive behaviour.

Reference: (Trevithick, 2005, pg. 13), (Study guide, 2017, pg. 13)

Difference in social class, created a barrier.

A relationship was not establised. Conflict evolved from the lack of respect, and understanding.

Positive verbal and nonverbal communication will establish a mutual relationship, creating a more positive perception.

Whilst working at a large department store, a customer became angry and aggresive when i did not have the item she wanted to purchase, in stock.

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