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Examining literature: Discuss the characters and settings of different texts and explore how language is used to present these features in different ways (ACELT1591)
Student's will create a time line of the story. This timeline should highlight what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the text and when the problem and resolution occurred. (ACELT1591)
Creating literature: Innovate on familiar texts by experimenting with character, setting or plot (ACELT1833)
After reading the text student's will write their own alternate ending to the text, given the question 'What would happen if Hush had remained invisible?' The teacher will then select students to read their alternate ending to the class. (ACELT1833)
Responding to literature: Compare opinions about characters, events and settings in and between texts (ACELT1589)
Student's will write a reflection about their opinions towards the characters, setting and events in the text. The reflection should also include how the text made them feel and what they liked/disliked about the text. (ACELT1589)
Literature and context: Discuss how depictions of characters in print, sound and images reflect the contexts in which they were created (ACELT1587)
In small groups students will discuss the context of the text. The class will then come together to further the discussion the sound, characters and images found in the text reflect the context. (ACELT1587)
Expressing and developing ideas: Understand the use of vocabulary about familiar and new topics and experiment with and begin to make conscious choices of vocabulary to suit audience and purpose (ACELA1470)
Students will select words from the text that they may not have heard of before or find relevant to the topic of Australia to create a 'Possum Magic' word wall. The word wall could include words such as magic, invisible,Brisbane and Possum. (ACELA1470)
Phonics and word knowledge :Orally manipulate more complex sounds in spoken words through knowledge of blending and segmenting sounds, phoneme deletion and substitution in combination with use of letters in reading and writing (ACELA1474)
The teacher will read the text to the class using the shared reading procedure to educate the students on how to use blending and segmenting sounds to help students with reading with unfamiliar words. (ACELA1474)
Text structure and organisation: Recognise that capital letters signal proper nouns and commas are used to separate items in lists (ACELA1465)
The teacher will talk to the class about the importance of capital letters and nouns. Following this talk, student will be give the text to the story of 'Possum Magic' which they will have to read through and highlight and capital letters and commas they can find. the student will then write a paragraph of why it is important for texts to include these punctuations. (ACELA1465)
Language for interaction: Identify language that can be used for appreciating texts and the qualities of people and things (ACELA1462)
Student's will be divided into two groups, one group will have Grandma Poss and the other Hush. In these groups student will read over the text and write a list of the words that describe their given character. Students will then be paired with a partner from the other group, in these pairs they will share with each other the language used when describing the character and how they knew what emotions the character was feeling. (ACELA1462)
Language variation and change: Understand that spoken, visual and written forms of language are different modes of communication with different features and their use varies according to the audience, purpose, context and cultural background (ACELA1460)
After reading 'Possum Magic' as a class facilitate a class discussion by asking the students questions about the the texts intended audience, cultural background, purpose and context. (ACELA1460)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating: Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures (ACELY1670)
Student's will be given two pages. one page will have images from the text and the other will have the words from paragraphs from the text. Student's will cut out each of the images and texts, and have to match each image with the text that it goes with. (ACELY1670)
Creating texts: Re-read and edit text for spelling, sentence-boundary punctuation and text structure (ACELY1672)
Student's will be given the text from 'Possum Magic'. However, the text they will be given will have spelling and punctuation errors throughout. The students will have to read though the text and edit it for any spelling and punctuation errors they find. (ACELY1672)
Interacting with others: Rehearse and deliver short presentations on familiar and new topics (ACELY1667)
Students will choose an Australian animal or capital city from the text which they will research facts about. After gathering these facts the students will then verbally present this information to the class. At the end of each speech other students may ask any appropriate questions. (ACELY1667)
Student's will be given a range of Australian coins. They will then put the coins under a piece of paper and shade over them to create the imprint onto the paper. Using iPads students will then look up old Australian coins and create a T chart highlighting the similarities and differences between the coins old and new. (ACHASS1034)
Imagine you are Poss,write a short story about life in the Australian outback from Poss' point of view. Include what the environment would look like, what animals he would be threatened by and where he would find possum food. (ACHASS1038)
After reading 'Possum Magic' write a list of all of the places Hush and Grandma Poss visited on their journey around Australia. Then, look at a map of Australia and identify the capital cities listed. Once you have found all of the capital cities find which state each of these capital cities are located in. (ACHASSK047)
Use a map of Australia to revise they journey that Hush and Grandma Poss take around Australia. List the order in which they visited each state and capital city and find weather their was an easier route they could have taken to visit each city.
Select one of the character from the text. Use you choice of paints or pencils to draw the animal on a large piece of card.once you have completed your artwork write a short paragraph discussing why you chose to draw that particular animal and why you chose the particular colours and tool in creating your artwork. (ACAVM108)
After reading 'Possum Magic' go back and examine the images within the text. As you are examining the images write a list of notes about the images. Then, as a class discuss how and why the illustrator created the images, was their meaning behind any of the images, the colours she used and the size and detail of the images. (ACAVM106) (ACAVAR109)
As a class follow a procedure to create a giant invisible Hush using a range of different materials such as grey stockings, chicken wire, stuffing etc. Then display the giant Hush at an assembly and discuss how you created the giant Hush, the materials used and the steps you followed. (ACAVAM107) (ACAVAM108)
In small groups or pairs students are given a page from the book which they have to read and then create a short presentation of the page, using movement and voice. Students should portray the emotions that the characters are feeling during this page of the book. (ACADR027)
Students can choose one animal from the text.They will then do further research on this animal and create a informational poster showing the animals; habitat, diet, predators and endangered status. (ACSIS042)
A member from a wildlife sanctuary will come into the class to talk about baby marsupials. After listening to the talk students will select and further research their choice of Australian marsupial. They will then write instructions on how to care for a baby marsupial. (ACSSU030)
After looking through the illustrations of Hush and Grandma Poss create a class T chart of the similarities and difference between the two possums. Then research further information about the characteristics at different stages that possums develop. (ACSSU030)
Students are given a group of coins that equal a total of $10. With these coins students have to select on of the foods hush tries in the text and looking through a supermarket catalogue to buy ingredients for their chosen food. Student should keep a list of the groceries they need, write down the cost of these and if they will have any change left over. (ACMNA033)
Working in small groups students will be given a recipe for Lamingtons. They will have to follow this recipe to bake their very own Anzac biscuits. Students will use measuring cups and spoons to measure the correct amount of each ingredient. (ACCMMG037)
Student's will use the words from the word wall created during the language lesson 'expressing and developing ideas' to create a word cloud using the online website Tagexdo. (ACTDIP006)