week starting 27th March

Cater - to taste;sample

Valle - Valley

Molino - mill

Castizo - traditional;authentic

Gente de garbanzo - humble people; unpretentious

Recorrer - To travel around, to cover;do

Peregrino - travelling, pilgrim

Caminante - traveller, walker

Vieira - scallop

Flecha - arrow;dart

Flecha de mar - squid

Acogedor - welcoming; friendly; cosy

Curarse To get better; recover; heal up

Curar - To treat; cure

Reto - challenge

Pensamiento - thought

Denominar - To name; designate

Transcurrir - To pass; elapse (time)

Meditar - To meditate; ponder

Brindar - To offer;afford

Tendencia - Tendency; trend

Albergar - To provide accommodation for

Albergarse - To shelter, To stay