it was Hittlers Forign Policy not the falior of Apeasment which was responsible for WWII
Hittlers Forign Policy
German Agression
Overturn the T of V
Expand German Teritory
Reclaim land lost in the T of V
Unite with Austria
Took Germany out of the L of N
Begain to Rearm
Expand to the East
Defeat Communisum
Destruction of the Jewish race
Encoraged Hittler to kepp asking for more
Hittler Expanded his Contry without any Challeng
Scareed the USSR as they were being targeted
Avaided war
Goverments were consentrationg on Scocial Policies
Were fair incomparison to the TofV
In Conclusion Hittlers Forign Policy was themain cause of war as this meant that Hittler was able to push the bondarys of of his contry but it was the Appeasment that gave Hittler the freedom to expand. This mindset and the agression of Hittler's forign policy meant that Britan had an Ultimatum that if Germany would expand to Poland.This Forign Policy lead to War being declared.
Autaky- Self Sufficency and no imports,
Anscchluss with Austria- Leibenschraund
Grow their own food and get their own raw materials