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Environmental and medical issues (Transplant Surgery (Christian Attitudes,…
Environmental and medical issues
Our Planet
Global Warming
In polar regions the ice melts and increases the sea levels which means some land may be submerged
Hotter areas suffer from drought causing a shortage of food and then famine
An increase in extreme weather events such as hurricanes
Some animals and plants may die if they can't adapt
Non biodegradable waste takes up space, spreads disease, and releases dangerous chemicals
Leads to poor plant growth and threatens animal habitats
Chemicals released into the air threaten the chemical balance
Leads to acid rain and smog caused by burning fossil fuels
Affects the water quality and the plants and animals that live there e.g eutrophication
Create less waste by recycling and re-using as much as possible
Use renewable resources for power e.g wind turbines
Put anti-pollution laws in place
Natural Resources
Renewable Resources
They will never run out and most provide 'clean' energy which doesn't cause pollution
Many are only effective in certain areas e. g where it is windy and sunny. They can also be more expensive
Non-renewable Resources
Some can be recycled and can be useful for humans for transport and everyday products
They are scarce and once used up they can't be replaced. They also cause pollution
Transplant Surgery
Organs would otherwise be ‘wasted’ if not used
Gives the donor the opportunity to help someone after they are dead
One donor can supply organs for several people, saving several lives
Offers relief and is a blessing for those in need of a new organ
Raises the issue of when a person is dead. Is death when the heart stops or could that person still be revived
Should someone be kept alive or allowed to die if their organs could be used after their death
Organs are scarce and a black market has developed for them, particularly in the Third World
Can be traumatic for the family of the person who has just died as they will be immediately 'cut up'
Christian Attitudes
Muslim attitudes
The Qur’an teaches that the body should not be tampered with after death and should be buried as soon as possible
Muslims believe that on the Last Day the body will be resurrected and therefore the organs will be needed
It violates the Sanctity of Life – the idea that only Allah has the right to give and take away life
“Whosoever saves the life of one person it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind”
(Surah 5:32) overrides the reasons given above against organ donation.
It alleviates pain and suffering and saves lives – which is in accord with Shari’ah law
It is a loving, charitable act which fulfils Jesus’ teaching to love one another
It raises no problems for life after death since the body is not needed in the after-life
It is a way people can show their gratitude to God for the gift of life
It is 'playing' God and could be seen as going against the Sanctity of Life, the idea that all life belongs to God
Organs are an essential part of the individual that God has created and should not be replaced by man
Transplant surgery interferes with God’s plan for the individual involved
The person receiving the transplant might be unworthy of it-e.g if they have destroyed their liver through alcohol abuse
Muslim Attitudes
“It is he who has made you custodian, inheritors of the Earth.”
-This means that humans are in charge of Gods creation and should treat Gods gift with respect
states that all creation is a unity and this harmony of creation should be maintained by humans
states that all Muslims are part of one brotherhood. Seeing as this includes the idea of future generations, it is the duty of a Muslim to take care of the environment for the sake of future generations
On the
Day of Judgement
Allah will judge every Muslim based on how they have lived their lives and this will include how they treated his creation
Christian Attitudes
Same Reasons+ “
I brought them into a fertile land to eat its fruit and its produce. They came and made my land unclean. They made my property disgusting.”
Fertility Treatments
In-vitro fertilisation-Egg is taken and fertilised in a test tube and then placed back in her womb
Artificial insemination-The sperm is medically put into the mothers womb
Egg donation-The partners sperm is used to fertilise a donor egg and is then put in the mothers womb
Embryo donation-Both the sperm and the eggs are provided by anonymous donors and then placed in the womans womb
Surrogacy-Another woman will carry a couples baby using the couples sperm and eggs or that of a donor
Christian attitudes
It allows couples the joy of having children, which God intended for humans
“Be fruitful and multiply”
and this is the loving thing to do
It is in line with Jesus’ Golden Rule, to treat others as they would wish to be treated. If someone was infertile they would not want to be denied this technology because someone objected
Some IVF treatments involve the creation of several embryos and only one is kept bus as conservative christians think life begins at conception this goes against the idea of the sanctity of life
Conservative christians think sexual intercourse is part of God plan and unnatural methods of conceiving are not in line with gods intended purpose
Sperm donation or fertilization outside the womb involves masturbation and this is considered a sin by Conservative Christians – it goes against the ‘intended purpose’ of being used in ‘natural’ sexual activity
Muslim attitudes
Some Muslims interpret this verse in the Qur’an to mean that infertility is God’s will and therefore treatments should not be sought "He creates what he wills […] He leaves barren whom he wills.”
Infertility is seen as a medical problem and treating it is seen in the same light as treating a disease.
Childbirth and child rearing are important parts of family commitments
Having children helps keep a couple together
The social status of a Muslim woman – and often her self esteem – is closely linked to her ability to have a child