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The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson (English (Literature (Curriculum link:…
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
Curriculum link
: Literature and context - Discuss how authors create characters using language and images (ACELT1581)
As a class the children will make a mind map of certain images and language that the writer has used to help create certain characters in the book, mainly the Gruffalo referring to all the different physical feature that have been referred to throughout the book.
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: Examining Literature -Listen to, recite and perform poems, chants, rhymes and songs, imitating and inventing sound patterns including alliteration and rhyme (ACELT1585)
Students will play the Gruffalo tic tac toe. There will be a special dices that has different words from the book on each side of it. they will also have a sheet of paper with different picture on it. they will also be given counters. each student will have a turn rolling the dice and depending on which side it lands on they have to find a picture on their sheet that rhymes with the word they rolled. Once the whole sheet is covered they will start again.
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: Text structure and organisation - Understand patterns of repetition and contrast in simple texts (ACELA1448)
Children will need to pick a few words from the story that has been repeated or used in a pattern format. Once they have each chosen a word they will then make a word wall, by writing the word on a coloured piece of card and then placing it on the wall in a section on the wall and use then as that weeks spelling words.
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:Creating texts -Write using unjoined lower case and upper case letters (ACELY1663)
Children will write a short story of what they think will happen next in the story. They will have to use their imagination and make up a short story of what happened to the Gruffalo after the story ended. they will need to practice using upper and lower case letters when writing this short story.
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: Location and transformation - Give and follow directions to familiar locations (ACMMG023)
Children will be given a few clue cards that they will need to follow to get to a certain location in the class room or the play-ground. The clues will have simple maths equation on each clue card. The maths equations will use the different animals from the book to help them solve the equations.
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Statistics and probability -Identify outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describe them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’ (ACMSP024)
When reading the book as a class, the students will be encouraged to ask questions about what will happen next and what are the chances of something happening, based on the story and how the story has a patterns within it.
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: Science Understanding - Living things have a variety of external features (ACSSU017)
After reading the book as a class the students will then draw a picture of the Gruffalo making the main focus all the different physical feature that were mentioned in the book. they will then write a short blurb talking about the physical features that have given the Gruffalo.
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Science and Understading - Everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways (ACSSU018)
Children will use all sorts of recyclable materials that they have collected over a few week and in groups they will make their own Gruffalo, using paper cups that are coloured purple for his prickly spikes on his back for example.
The Arts
Visual Arts
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Making - Use of visual art elements and techniques, to create 2D and 3D artwork, that communicate an idea to an audience (ACAVAM108)
Using natural resources such as sticks, gras etc. students will create a 2D art work of the Gruffalo. This activity will allow children to explore their creative side with choosing which natural resources best suit certain feature of the Gruffalo.
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Making -Development of artistic skills through experimentation with: shape (geometric shapes)
colour (mixing primary colours to create secondary colours)line (broken, jagged, dashed)space (background, foreground) texture(changes in texture; transfer of texture)to create artwork (ACAVAM107)
Children will be given the opportunity to use which every resources they wish to use to create a 2D or 3D artwork of what they think the Gruffalo looks like and whether they think the Gruffalo is a male or a female and depict it in such a way.
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Making - Exploration and experimentation of three (3) elements of drama: voice (loud, soft, varying loud and soft) movement (big, small, use of facial expressions)role (fictional character)to create drama (ACADRM028)
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Responding -Audience behaviour (paying attention to the development of a story) when viewing drama (ACADRR030)
Students will break into two groups, they will then choose a part of the book they would like to act out as a group. the students will need to give each character in the scene they choose a distinct voice that they other student watching will be able to distinguish between.
Curriculum link:
Analysing - Explore points of view (e.g. understand that stories can be told from different perspectives)
The children will each write a section of the story from a different point of view, for instance they could write the story form the Gruffalo's point of view. some of the students will then read their section of the story to the class and explain which point of view they wrote from.
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