Al-Ushairah Invasion ❗

Nakhla Invasion

Raid of Kurz bin jabir on Madina Pastures

Looted animals

Results in Sufwan Invasion

Alarming for Muslims

Prophet dispatched Abdullah bin Jehesh with 12 muslims to nakhla to monitor trade caravans.

Clash between Muslims and caravan (In Rajab) results Umar bin Hadarmi assacination

Prophet (PBUH) leading 150-200 helpers with 30 camels dispatched to intercept caravan at Ushairah but when they reached caravan had left.


When caravan of Abu Sufyan returning from syria Prophet exhorted Muslims to intercept it ultimately result in Badr battle as Abu Sufyan asked help from Quraish.

Quraish prepared army consisted 1300 soldiers +100 horses and large nos. of camels.

Polytheists wanted revenge. Polytheists alleged Muslims for degracing Holy month.

When Prophet was informed, He decided for battle in meeting.

Muslim army divided into 2 battalions: emigrants and helps

Around 313 Muslims dispatched with 2 horses 🐴 & 70 camels 🐫 7⃣ 0⃣

Quraish encamped at Al-Udawat-ul;Quswa

Prophet with cave-mate conducted scouting to locate polytheist's camp. At the same night it was rain β˜”, obstruction ⚠ for polytheist and blessings 🌈 for Muslims.

A squad was chosen from helpers to defend Prophet

Makkans suffered terrible defeat in battle in all combats


Polytheist ignominious defeat

7⃣0⃣ killed

around 7⃣0⃣prisoned

Many Principal men and some Prophet's bitterest opponents killed. Chief of those Abu Jahl.

Manifest victory for Muslims.

14 martyred

6 from emmigrants

8 from Helpers

Heavy setback for polytheists in religious and economical πŸ’² interest

Battle was conducted so that Muslim's sustainability could be preserved.

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