-Increased resistance to passive motion
-Cogwheel rigidity, or a jerky quality, as if there were intermittent catches in the movement of a cogwheel, when the joint is moved passively.
-Muscle contraction→ muscle soreness, tired and achy, or pain in the head (upper body, spine, and legs most affected)
-Slowness of movements
-Dyskinesias (spontaneous, involuntary movements)
-Akinesia (total immobility)
-Neurologic problems (dementia)
-Neuropsychiatric problems (depression, hallucinations, psychosis)
-Swallowing problems (dysphagia, malnutrition, or aspiration)
-Urinary tract infections
-Skin breakdown
-Orthostatic hypotension
-Loss of postural reflexes (falls or other injury)