Pembangunan Modul Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi dengan Menggunakan Facebook Live dalam Matematik Pendidikan Rendah
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The Effectiveness of Higher Order Thinking Skills for Generating Idea among Technical Students
Students who are weak in HOTS cannot complete the tasks based on cognitive and metacognitive effectively. Implications, academic performance will be affected.
(Yee, Mei Heong, et al. , 2015).
Mengkaji keberkesanan Modul untuk menerapkan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dalam Matematik Pendidikan Rendah (guru)
Assessing Mathematics Teachers’ Knowledge in Teaching Thinking Skills Mathematics teachers in primary schools had a relatively lower level of knowledge in teaching thinking skills. (Zulkpli, Z., Mohamed, M., & Abdullah, A. H. , 2017).
Analisis Diskriptif
Ujian pra dan pasca (murid)
Sumbangan baharu
100 orang murid sekolah rendah
Scaffolding (Lev Vygotsky)
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Facebook Live
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Tidak dapat diakses tanpa internet
Rujukan guru, ibu bapa dan murid
Kaedah eksperimental
30 orang guru matematik
Twitter for teaching: can social media be used to enhance the process of learning? Twitter can be used to enhance the process of learning by students in Higher Education. (C.Evans, 2014) How about Facebook Live?
An Integrated Model to Implement Contextual Learning with Virtual Learning Environment for Promoting Higher Order Thinking Skills in Malaysian Secondary Schools
Findings show that limited research exists on the integration of contextual learning with VLE to promote HOTS, leaving some vacuum for further study and improvement and the need to formulate an integrated model. (Latifah et al. , 2015).
Mathematics Teachers’ Level of Knowledge and Practice on the Implementation of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
the mathematics teachers still did not have in-depth knowledge of HOTS from the aspect of assessment, and this could have an impact on the implementation process of HOTS in mathematics at schools (Abdul Halim et al., 2017).