Peritoneal carcinomatosis (10%): hx of underlying gastrointestinal, lung, or breast malignancy or malignant melanoma; Exam: periumbilical lymph nodes, positive stool occult blood (GI cancer), hepatic bruits (hepatocellular carcinoma). Heart failure (3%): exertional dyspnoea, fatigue limiting exercise tolerance, leg swelling, abdominal swelling, HTN, diabetes, valvular heart disease, smoker, FHx sudden cardiac death, MI, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, hx chest pain, ; Exam: peripheral oedema, rales, dyspnoea, jugular venous distention, cool extremities, narrow pulse pressure, pleural effusions. Tuberculosis (2%): residence in/visit to high-prevalence area, close contact with active TB; hx of anorexia, malaise, weight loss, fever, or night sweats; chronic cough productive of sputum, occasionally associated with haemoptysis; immunosuppressed (AIDS) Exam: fever, cachexia, tachycardia; asymmetry in chest movement and dullness to percussion due to pleural effusion, bronchial breathing, crackles, rales due to an infiltrate or rhonchi in presence of significant bronchial purulence; palpable extra-thoracic lymphadenopathy is uncommon.