Moral Geographies of Income: Perceptions of income inequality in the service industry in Vancouver

1) What do people think of income inequality? A story of hope or fear? 2) What are people's attitudes towards redistribution? 3) Do people worry about broader societal repercussions?

The perceptions of one industry

Service Sector- The most unequal

People in 3/4 different levels

An industry expert

Interviews and Focus Groups



Different political affiliations



Equality via government intervention

Liberty vs equality

More equality equals less freedom

Government redistribution of income via taxes and benefits

Believe in equality of outcomes

Free market orientated

Believe in equality of opportunity

Against equality of outcomes

The Middle Ground/the third way

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Philosophical arguments

Rawls 1971

The difference Principle

The veil of ignorance

Original position of equality

Friedman 1962

Free market increase Prosperity

Inequality the price to pay for prosperiety


Secondary Data- previous studies

Growing Gap, Growing Concerns Report

Moral Geographies (Lee and Smith 2004)

Cultural Struggles over what constitutes a just society

Social Justice Theory (Harvey 1971)

Injustices in the class relations of capitalism

The power of underlying social relations to define and structure notions of ethics and morality

The importance of ethics in improving the lives of marginalised others