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Abdominal Distension (Flatus (Bowel Dilation)
PE: tympanic on percussion…
Abdominal Distension
Flatus (Bowel Dilation)
- PE: tympanic on percussion, diffuse distention, pain, +/- visible peristalsis, palpable bowel loops
Aerophagia (air swallowing)
- Symptoms: repetitive burping
Bacterial metabolism of excess fermentable substance
Mechanical Obstruction
- Adhensions
- Hernias
- Volvulus (sigmoid cecal)
- Malignancy
Fatal growth
- Investigation: Ultrasonography; CT
- PE: asymmetric distention, dull (variable), palapble mass, organ
Enlargement of organs
Stigmata of CLD:
- Cirrhosis
- Chronic Obstruction
No Stigmata of CLD:
- Hepatitis
- Hemolytic anemia
Not Jaundiced
- Hepatomegaly (neoplasm/fatty liver)
- Spenomegaly (hematological, infection of virus)
Cardiac: Heart Failure/ JVP increase
- Right heart failure
- Tricuspid regurgitation
- Periampullary cancers (jaundice)
- Cholecystitis (non-junsixw)
Pelvic Mass
- Colorectal cancer (PR bleed/bowel habit change
- Abscess - diverticular/appendicular (infections)
- Symptoms: weight loss, night sweats, anorexia
- PE: Virchow's node, tenderness upon palpation
- Symptoms: pain, nausea, vomiting
- Auscultation: no bowel sound or high-pitched localize bowel sounds
- Investigation: X-Ray
Cushing's Syndrome
- Cause: High cortisol exposure
- Sign: moon-shape face, buffalo hump
- Symptom: rapid weight gain, erectile dysfunction
Free (Ascites) :star:
- Investigation: Ultrasonography
- PE: Diffuse distention, normal auscultation, non tender, dull, shifting dullness, peritoneal tap, fluid thrill, ballotable liver
Third spacing (SAAG<11g/L; protein <25g/L)
- Hypoalbuminaemia (nephrotic syndrome, protein deficit (malnutrition/protein losing enteropathy
- Fluid overload: congestive cardiac failure, renail failure (rt. heart failure tends to cause increase SAAG)