How does it relate to learning?
It does not see the various mechanical components in swimming as individual parts, such as strokes, swimming it relates to the whole approach to swimming, involving an engagement of all the senses, such as mind, body, sensations emotions and connections with the water.
This, can be related to the classroom through the set up and aesthetics of the learning space -this needs to form part of my research question.
Dewey supports this (1934, p. 246) supports this, in that the environment cannot be separated from experience and learning as the subject needs to be able to interact with its environment.
The main ideas: Adapation, whole person within a complex process inseparable from their environment (physical and sociocultural)
Social Interaction: Knowledge is a product of social interaction and collective knowledge.
Interpretation: Involving the learner drawing on prior experiences to make sense of learning experiences.
Learning is a process of interpretation of external knowledge and as such as no pre-given external reality.
Learning is a social experience, including individual participation in the larger social environment.
Body and mind should not be indivisible in the learning process. Bordieu (1986) body, practice and embodiment.
Lave and Wenger (1991) communities of practice, situated and legitimate peripheral learning.
The study: Drills, using inquiry based learner centered pedagogy
approach develops learners capacity and inclination to interpret and work through what the instructor tells them, reflect, and become an independent learner.
Positive learning environment, encouraging enjoyment of learning and learning how to learn.
The teaching technique is a guided discovery rather than open ended problem solving, but is more complex because the student interprets the instruction through developing their technique through experience.
The study is only using two examples and bases the argument on anecdotal evidence, rather than an action research/quanti/quali perspective. No real research question.