Ethical Code of Conduct
Act Utilitarianism
Rule Utilitarianism
Consequences create less than the greatest good for the greatest number.
Does it act only according to principles that could be adopted as universal laws?
Consequences create the greatest good for the greatest number.
Do it.
Don't do it.
No; It would be bad for humanity, or create a contradiction, if everyone in the universe were to make this decision.
Don't do it.
Yes; It would be good for humanity if everyone in the universe were to make this decision.
The goal of this action...
Does not treat people as ends in themselves but does treat people as means to an end.
Does treat people as ends in themselves and may also treat people as means to an end.
Don't do it.
Do it.
Consequences create the greatest good for the greatest number.
Consequences create less than the greatest good for the greatest number.
Don't do it.
Does it break any of the rules used to maximize utility? e.g.: Bernard Gert's rules or The Ten Commandments.
Is there compelling evidence indicating that utility is increased by the violation?
Do it.
Do it.
Don't do it.