There has been a negative stigma around immigrants, and immigration in general.Many individuals believe they are a problem, however immigrants keep United States stable and culturally diverse.

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The number one immigrant that has inspired me in my life is my mom.She picked up her whole life to moved to america in order for me to have a better life. She is the best person I know, and even though she is an immigrant. She makes this community a little better

Many of my friends are immigrants. One that comes into my mind is Ava. She constantly struggles with being an immigrant because she shows of her Persian culture. She ins't afraid of being proud of where she is from but many individuals try to make her feel bad about it., and she questions why. Especially when America is full of different cultures.


Damnation had many different people speaking about how meaningful a river and the dam was to them, which I believe shows a great amount of ethos. The ethos that stood out to to me was the man who got emotional and started to even cry when talking about the topic. It showed the raw and authentic emotion, which caught my eye.


The ethos that I want to use in my paper is my own story about being an immigrant and the struggles that I had to overcome just because I wasn't born in the United States.


The structure that I would like to use is from the Compelling Investigations Article, and a structure that I believe Kolbert uses is the organic structure, which comes in three parts. The complication, development, and resolution. I think this type of structure keeps the paper organized and on track.


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This topic is urgent because recently with the new President in office, there has been many issues revolving around immigration, for example being a wall between Mexico and the United States. This creates the negative stigma with immigrants, and many immigrants have been suffering discrimination recently, and others are not even allowed back into their homes in the United States after traveling.

The Muslim Ban is another example that ties into the negative stigma because it has created a negative stereotype of Muslims, and many of them are struggling with discrimination even though they have been a part of the American community.

Kolbert Structure

I think that theres two structres that intertwine in the Kolbert essay. The first being the organic structure which focuses on three parts: complication, development and resolution. The complication in the essay is the coral reef destruction, and the development comes through Kolbert discussing the biological side of the problem and the different t researchers before her. The resolution comes from her discovering the beauty within the coral reef, and her experience with it. The experience part and her own thoughts about the coral reef on the island also tie into the narrative structure.


Personal interviews from my mom and my friends who have experienced the negative stigma around being immigrants

Other Sources

Interviews of stories of other immigrants that are posted all over the internet. compare and contrast to my own experience as well as my families and friends.

One scientific source that could be used for my paper is from the Scientific American, "What causes prejudice against immigrants and how can it be tamed?". The article explains the hostility that has developed towards immigrants and how to prevent this violence and discrimination.

Bushwick, Sophie. "What Causes Prejudice against Immigrants, and How Can It Be Tamed?" Scientific American. A Division of Nature America, INC., 29 July 2011. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.

Trump's new policy, the VOICE shows the real life prejudice against immigrants. The program is aimed to highlight and document the crimes of undocumented immigrants. It stands for the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement.

Heidewald Posted in Commentary Crime Current Affairs North America Politics, Erika. "Trump's VOICE initiative criminalizes immigrants." Global Comment. N.p., 30 Mar. 2017. Web. 30 Mar. 2017.


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Good afternoon, my name is Anastasia, and I am a biology major undergraduate student at the University of Nevada, Reno. Being an immigrant, I am very intrigued in the policies that surround immigration and the prejudice that follows. I noticed while doing research on immigration policies that you are a well-known expert on the health disparities of immigrants. The reason I am emailing you is in hope to ask you some questions about the health policies, reform, and costs that impact immigrants. I am writing a research paper for my English class on this topic, and your expertise would greatly influence my research, and overall topic. If you have time, would you mind answering some questions via email? I would greatly appreciate it. If there is another person to whom I can direct this question to, please let me know. Thank you in advance. Sincerely Anastasia Abramovich. and 775-848-9297

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Technical Essay Structure

The organic structure would best suit my paper because in the beginning my paper disuses the prejudice of immigrants and how they are discriminated against. Then I go into the facts and the stories and interviews in my paper. Showing the real issues with the discrimination. The paper ends with a resolution of what we should do about this issue, and that this issue has kairos.