Talent Acquisition Strategy Development
Assess Current State
How much hiring is related to turnover?
How much turnover is regrettable vs. positive?
Amount of hiring demand based on growth?
What is the occupational and geographic breakdown?
What is average amount of hires? (monthly, quarterly, annual)
What is the hiring authority utilization breakdown?
Evaluate Resources
Who is supporting the recruitment process?
What are the individual roles and deliverables?
Evaluate workloads by role
What tools are available?
What is the rate of utilization of available tools?
Map the Process
How many days between key steps?
Map to individual roles and deliverables
Identify and address bottlenecks
Evaluate Results
Average time-to-fill?
Interview-to-offer ratio?
Health of the funnel? (Quality, quantity)
Offer acceptance rate?
Candidate and hiring manager satisfaction rates?
Quality of hire by source?
Cost per hire?
Define High Level Objectives
Reduce Cost
Increase Quantity
What is the ROI of sourcing activities and tools?
Increase Quality
Reduce Time
Measure new hire performance
Cert-to-interview ratio
Define acceptable tenure and measure
Cert-to-hire ratio
Interview selection ratio
Percentage of positions filled
Applicant-to-hire ratio
Improve flexibility
Improve candidate flow
Reduce inefficiency
Close the feedback loop
Travel budget
Three Rs
Advertising costs