Page 2-1941-1950: FBI Investigated CFR for
Nazi Espionage & Communist Association.
According to the FBI's files, the FBI commenced
monitoring the CFR in 1931 by subscribing to the
CFR's quarterly publication, Foreign Affairs.
According to a Confidential FBI message dated
March 17 1941, the first FBI investigation of the
CFR was iaunched in that year due to information
related to an' article appearing in Foreign Affairs.
That FBI memo to J. Edgar Hoover wa~ headed
"Foreign Affairs; (Publication) Internal Security,"
and indicated that two investigations--one on the
CFR and another on a CFR member--had been
initiated in regard to a Nazi "Ejpionage" case titled,
"German Activities in New Orleans; Confile,
Espionage--G. "
Although several paragraphs of that FBI
message even now remain blacked out by order ~f
the President of the United States, much of It
remains readable, including this admission of an
active investigation which was launched by the FBI:
In accordance with previous Bureau
instructions a separate case has been
'opened on this individual and the New
York Field Division is requested to conduct
appropriate investigation [emboldening
added for emphasis] to ascertain the identity
and activities of the above .... 5
Another Confidential message to J. Edgar
Hoover, dated March 28, 1941, indicated that t~e
New York FBI office (where the CFR IS
headquartered) also had input on this ~ame N~zi
espionage case. That message als~ remains hea,:Ily
censored, with codes written In the margins
revealing the censoring was by order of the U.S.
President, and also due to the law enforceme~t
nature of the investigation. After those cryptIc
censorings, the message ends:
In view of thc above information, no
additional investigation in this matter will be
conducted by the New York Field D~vision
concerning FOREIGN AFFAIRS In the
absence of Rureau instructions to the
contrary. 6 :check:
Page 3...reveals, the
censoring codes on this message indicate they were
censored by Presidential edict to be kept secret in the
interest of national defense, and due to criminal and
national security investigations. importance: this correlates directly to the time period of the war an peace studies project. They kept this under wraps likely to keep the FBI from knowing the Council's interest in the state department. But the fact that it is still blacked out indicates that there are details to the story that no one knows, or that if they know they may take it to the grave :check:
Page 31954-1970: FBI Monitored CFR Due
to Congressional & Espionage Concerns.
An FBI message dated November 19, 1954 on the
CFR was almost entirely blacked out by Presidential
order. It was followed by another Presidentially
censored letter to Hoover dated April 12, 1956. The
only readable portions of that letter are:
[deleted by Presidential order] . . .
ESPIONAGE ... [deleted by Presidential
order]. . .. The above information was
made available to S[pecial] A[gent] [deleted
under intelligence/law enforcement codes] ...
on a strictly confidential basis, and it cannot
be made public except upon the issuance of a
subpoena duces tecum . . . [deleted by
Presidential order] .10 importance: this is an example of one of the documents that remains heavily blacked out :check:
page 3
The years between 1956 and 1961 brought
another Confidential and Presidentially censored
letter from the Special Agent in Charge of New
York's FBI office to Hoover regarding the CFR, as
well as five mysterious pages of information on the
CFR which both the CIA and the U.S. President
denied our researchers any access to whatsoever. II :check:
page 5-6 A letter surfaces, written by a man or woman familiar enough with Hoover to provide personal birthday and Christmas greetings. Both the name and the agency of the writer of the letter is blacked out. He or she makes mention of Dan Smoot's groundbreaking book the invisible government and points to others in the FBI who have publicly denounced the CFR. The letter refers to Caroll Quigley by name and suggests that he be forced to testify before a grand jury to indict people within the CFR. 10 days later, Hoover responds in a pithy and guarded manner, not expressing an opinion in any way whatsoever. According to the authors, CFR related material began circulating like a whirlwind throughout the Bureau. On 2/10/72, Hoover received a memo, the first page now completely classified. The second page makes reference to some of the members of the CFR who are in the high ranks of government such as Allen Dulles, David Rockefeller, and W. Averill Harriman. The concern expressed is that due to their prestigious roles, classified government documents were being kept at the Harold Pratt house and made privy to those in related circles. :check:
page 7- February 16, 1972 Another memo comes through, and nearly all is redacted with the designation "IS-NEW LEFT" as the reason behind its censorship. Hoover replies to the memo the next day. His reply is the same as the memo, blacked out with the "IS-NEW Left" stamp. The Next day again, he receives another memo regarding the CFR. Needless to say, it received the same censorship treatment. :check:
7- Hoover Dies, and Patrick Gray III takes over. He receives concerns from Congressman Bob Sikes (D-FL) who has just read Gary Allen's book and is worried over its content. "Gray did not reply to Sikes that the FBI had no
information on the CFR, but replied, " ... It is not
possible for me to furnish the specific data your
constituent requested in view of the confidential
nature of FBI files . ... " Also annotated on the file
copy of Gray's reply to Sikes was this caveat:
The book entitled 'None Dare Call It
Conspiracy' alleges control of the U.S. by
the Council of Foreign Relations .... 31
The next entire page in the FBI's CFR file was
deleted by order of the U.S. President, "to be kept
Secret in the interest of national defense." From this
evidence, it appears that Gray, like Hoover, opposed
the CFR, and was apparently going to follow up on
Hoover's investigation of the group. But events
would soon tum ugly for Gray also.
October 31, 1972 brought a cryptic and
frightening message about the CFR to Director Gray
from the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's New
York office where the CFR is headquartered. That
Message was stamped "SECRET," indicating that
compromising it would result in serious damage to
the security of the United States. The message
remains heavily censored with margin notes
indicating the ink-outs on released copies were so
altered to maintain confidentiality of criminal and
intelligence investigators. Readable portions
indicate New York FBI was re-categorizing its
investigatory files on the CFR, explaining:
From the nature of the organization, it
appears that members of the Council on
Foreign Relations would, in the course of
business operations [deleted by Presidential
order, to be kept Secret in the interest of
National defense]. In view of the above
infonnation as well as the fact that its
members consist of prominent individuals, no investigation is being
conducted by the New York Office in this
matter [emphasis added].32
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