The Intimate Papers of Colonel House-Charles Seymour 41 After the Napoleonic wars public opinion
in Europe believed that Jacobinism was the great danger to
peace, just as now we believe, with more justification, that
Prussian Militarism is what we have mainly to fear. Accordingly,
the principal nations entered into the Holy Alliance,
with a view to suppressing Jacobinism whenever they saw
it raising its head. Very soon Great Britain withdrew from
the League, but it persisted with the most disastrous results
for many years in Europe . I am dreadfully afraid that we
may make the same mistake now . Prussian militarism is
indeed a portentous evil, but if, misled by our fear of it, we
try to impose on all the nations of the world a form of government
which has been indeed admirably successful in
America and this country, but is not necessarily suited for
all others, I am convinced we shall plant the seeds of very
serious international trouble . Lord Robert Cecil to House- This is an incredibly wise contention, the writer of this letter understood the boogeyman and realized that maybed the first boogeyman that they could think of was jacobinism. And then after that prussian military might, in the institution of the world order due to this is not intelligent. :check: