Diet and Nutrition and their effect on physical activity and performance
Vitamins and Minerals
Fibre and Water
Dietary Supplements
Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins
Complex Carbohydrates
Simple Carbohydrates
Fruit and processed foods, easily digestible
Nearly all plant based take longer to digest
Principal source of energy used by the body
Converted into Glucose and Stored as Glycogen
Glycaemic index ranking of carbohydrates High GI quick release of glucose. Low GI slow release of glucose
Sweet and savoury food found in animal sources
Can cause health problems
Excessive weight gain, diabetes and high blood pressure
High cholesterol build up of low density lipoproteins
Used for transporting fat soluble vitamins
Energy source
Type of unsaturated adding hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils can also lead to high cholesterol
Made up of amino acids
Important for muscle growth and repair
Used to make enzymes hormones and haemoglobin
Minor source of energy used by power athletes who need greater growth and repair of tissue
Fat-soluble vitamins
Water-soluble vitamins
Can be stored and are found in fatty foods and animal products
Not stored and found in fruit vegetables and dairy
Calcium strong bones and teeth
Assist in bodily functions
Iron formation of haemoglobin
Tend to be dissolved by body as ions known as electrolytes
Facilitate transmission of nerve impulses
Enable effective muscle contractions
slows down time at which body breaks down food resulting in slow sustained release in energy
dietary fibre causes bulk in small intestine preventing constipation and aiding digestion
makes up 60% of persons body weight
Transports nutrients, hormones and waste products around the body
Main component of cells plays important part in regulating body temperature
Dehydration causes
Reduced sweating to prevent water loss
Decreased performance
Blood viscosity to increase reducing blood flow
Creatine Monohydrate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Glycogen Loading
allows ATP-PC system to last longer
Helps improve recovery times
Increase phosphocreatine stored in muscles
Improves muscle mass
Replenishes phosphocreatine stores
Possible side effects
Hinders aerobic performance
Increases buffering capacity of blood
Neutralise effects of Lactic acid
Reduces acidity In Muscle cells
Reduces acidity in muscle cells
Delays fatigue
increases buffering capacity of blood
Side effects
Stimulant increases mental aletness
Reduces fatigue
Greater mobility of fats
Endurance athletes use this
High intensity training high fat and protein diet to completely deplete glycogen stores
pre race emptying and increasing glycogen stores
Few days before low intensity training high carbohydrate diet
Bloating, cramps, bad mood heavy legs
High levels of glycogen in the body providing large energy source
Banned in high quantities
Diuretic effect