Divisions Of The Non-vascular Plant
Division Anthocerophyta
Division Hepaticophyta
Division Bryophyta
Common name : mosses
Produce root like multicellular rhizoids
Hornworts; hornlike sporophyte
Faye Wael Sindy/Shaden Sayari / Muneera al marshad
Grow close to the ground and in areas where moisture is plentiful
Common name : liverworts
Responsible of decreasing rocks erogins
unicellular rhizoids.
thallose or leafy (premative)
The hornwort sporophyte produces much of the food used by its sporophyte and gametophyte generations.
The spaces around cells are filled with mucilage, or slime, rather than air.
They has leaflike cells that is made of one cell thick and preform photosynthesis process
Stems can either grow horizantally or verticlly
Sara Al Zaagi /Aljohara AlObaidan
Mosses can produce peat that is used as fuel and retaining moisture of soil
Can survive in exsteme climate conditions
One large chloroplast in each cell
Sporophyte stages are responsible of providing food for sporophyte and gametophyte
Hornworts they form mutualistic relation with certain bacteria
Used to treat liver aliments and looks like a liver
Live in variety and sever of climates
classified as either thallose or leafy
Classified as thallose or leafy
leafy: leaves arranged as rows
thallose : liver like structure