Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Regulation 9 - Contacts with external services
Regulation 3 - Risk assessment
Employers (& the self-employed) must assess the risk to the health & safety of their employees & to anyone else who may be affected by their work activity. Employers with 5 or more employees must record the significant findings in writing.
Regulation 4 -Principles of prevention to be applied
Employers must implement preventive & protective measures on the basis of the general principles of prevention specified in Schedule 1 to the regulations.
Regulation 5 - Health & safety arrangements
Appropriate arrangements must be made for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring & review of preventative & protective measures (i.e. a health & safety management system). Employers with five or more employees must have their arrangements in writing.
Regulation 7 - Health & safety assistance
Regulation 6 - Health surveillance
Consideration must be given to carry out health surveillance of employees where there is a disease or adverse health condition identified in risk assessments.
The employer must appoint one or more competent persons to assist him in complying with legal obligations. The competent person(s) must be given the necessary time & resources to fulfil their functions.
Regulation 8 - Procedures for serious & imminent danger & for danger areas
Employers must establish emergency procedures & appoint competent persons to ensure compliance with the arrangements. Access to areas of risk should be limited to those with adequate health & safety knowledge & instruction.
Employers must ensure that, where necessary, contacts are made with external services, e.g. rescue work.
Regulation 10 - Information for employees
Employees must be provided with relevant information & instruction about hazards & control measures.
Regulation 11 - Co-operation & co-ordination
Employers who work together in a common workplace must co-operate to discharge their duties.
Regulation 12 - Persons working in host employers' or self-employed persons' undertakings
Extends the requirements of Regulation 11 to include employees working as sole occupiers of a workplace under the control of another employer, e.g. those working under a service of contract.
Regulation 13 - Capabilities & training
Employers must take into account the capabilities of employees before entrusting tasks. Employers must provide adequate health & safety training.
Regulation 14 - Employees' duties
Employees must use machinery, equipment, substance, transport means of production & safety devices in accordance with the instructions & training that they have received. They must also inform their employer of any situation representing a serious & immediate danger.
Regulation 15 - Temporary workers
Consideration must be given to the special needs of temporary workers. The employer must provide health & safety information on qualifications required to perform the task safely & requirements for health surveillance.
Regulation 16 - Risk assessment in respect of new or expectant mothers
Where the work is of a kind which would involve risk to the mother or baby, then the risk assessment required by regulation 3 should take this into account. If the risk cannot be avoided, the employer should take reasonable steps to adjust the hours worked; offer alternative work; or give paid leave.
Regulation 17 - Certificate from a medical practitioner in respect of new or expectant mothers
Where the woman is a night shift worker & has a medical certificate identifying night shift work as a risk then the employer must put her on day shift or give paid leave for as long as is necessary
Regulation 18 - Notification by new or expectant mothers
The employer need take no action until notified in writing by the woman that she is pregnant, has given birth in the last 6 months, or is breastfeeding.
Regulation 19 - Protection of young persons
Employers of young persons shall ensure that they are not exposed to risk as a consequence of their lack of experience, lack of awareness or lac of maturity. No employer shall employ young people for work which is beyond their physical or psychological capacity; involves exposure to toxic or carcinogenic agents; involves harmful exposure to radiation; involves a risk to health from extremes of temperature, noise or vibration;or involves risks which could not be reasonably foreseen by young persons.